释义 |
棄棄 | 806A25 60.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧˋ [qi4] | V.t. | To abandon, forsake: 放棄,捨棄 to abandon (rights, friends, duties, etc.); 棄官 to resign from political post and retire; 自暴自棄 be self-abandoned, waste one's talent or capabilities; 棄暗投明,棄邪歸正 return to lawful living, also quit illegal associations and activities; 棄舊換新 change new (lovers, etc.) for the old; 拋棄,丟棄 desert (friends, family, lover); 背棄 forsake (old friends), violate (treaty, agreement); 遺棄 desert, forsake, leave uncared for (family, children); 棄婦,棄妻 deserted wife; 棄兒 waifs and strays, abandoned orphan; 棄物 abandoned articles or not in use; 捐棄 forget (old grudges); 棄短取長 forget s.o.’s shortcomings and make use of his strong points; 摒棄 renounce, discard, shut off (prejudices, evil thoughts, etc.); 廢棄 abolish (reign, institution, custom); 棄置 lay aside; 棄甲曳兵 (of troops) drag weapons and abandon armor in a rout.
| Words | 1. 棄背 [qi4bei4], v.t., (1) to desert, turn one's back on; (2) to suffer loss of parents: 父母棄背 our parents have passed away, left us. 2. 棄權 [qi4qUan2], v.i., (law) to waive rights, abstain from voting. 3. 棄觚 [qi4gu1], phr., (LL) throw down the pen, stop writing (觚 anc. bamboo slip for writing). 4. 棄井 [qi4jing3], n., (AC allu.) abandoned well, (fig.) task left unfinished. 5. 棄捐 [qi4jUan1], v.t., (of wife) abandon, be abandoned; (of scholars) be neglected and not promoted to jobs. 6. 棄世 [qi4shi4]1, v.i., (1) to pass away, die; (2) (AC) abandon worldly life. 7. 棄市 [qi4shi4]2, v.i., be executed in public square. 8. 棄養 [qi4yang4], v.i., (rhet., of parents) die, pass away.