释义 |
梅梅 | 132A40 10B.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄇㄟˊ [mei2] | N. | (1) Plum; prune: 酸梅 sour plum; 烏梅 black plum; 楊梅 arbutus, wild strawberry; 臘梅 yellow plum loved for its flowers; 妻梅子鶴 allu. to Suhng poet-bachelor 林和靖, a great lover of plum flowers and storks. (2) A surname.
| Words | 1. 梅毒 [mei2du2], n., syphilis. 2. 梅花 [mei2hua1], n., the plum flower; five-petalled pattern; 梅花大鼓 a form of monologue storytelling, accompanied by drum-beats and musical instruments. 3. 梅香 [mei2xiang1], n., common name for maidservant, esp. on stage. 4. 梅天(=霉天) [mei2tian1], n., the rainy (moldy) season, from the 5th lunar month, also called 黃霉天. 5. 梅雨 [mei2yU3], n., see [mei2tian1]↑.