释义 |
栽栽 | 183C50 11.71 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄗㄞ [zai1] | V.i. & t. | (1) V.i., tumble, trip, fall: 栽跟頭 [zai1gen1tou0]↓; 栽倒 fall down; 栽折了腿 fell and broke one's leg; 栽破頭 tripped and received cuts on the head. (2) V.t., to plant: 栽培 [zai1pei2], 栽植 [zai1zhi2]↓; 栽種 to sow, plant, raise; 栽秧 transplant rice seedlings; 栽花,栽樹 to plant flowers, trees; 栽上 put in ground to grow; 栽不活 (of trees, flowers) fail to grow.
| Words | 1. 栽跟頭 [zai1gen1tou0], v.i., (1) have a fall; (2) fail and expose oneself to public ridicule. 2. 栽植 [zai1zhi2], v.t., =栽培 [zai1pei2]↓. 3. 栽排 [zai1pai2], v.t., (MC) pave the way for. 4. 栽培 [zai1pei2], v.t., (1) (of plants) cultivate; (2) (of men) educate, train; (3) select for service: 受栽培 be taken under s.o.’s wing, brought up and given opportunity for education. 5. 栽絨 [zai1rong2], n., a kind of fabric topped with velvet woven into it, generally used, as material for cushion, covering, etc. 6. 栽臟 [zai1zang1], v.i., to “plant” a stolen article with s.o. else to frame him.