释义 |
株株 | 111C10 10B.01-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄓㄨ [zhu1] | N. adjunct. | Used only of trees: 三株樹 three trees; 兩株梅 two plum trees.
| N. & v.i. & t. | A tree root above the ground; 株守,株連 [zhu1shou3], [zhu1lian2]↓.
| Words | 1. 株連 [zhu1lian2], v.i., to implicate associates or relatives (of criminal case, involving others besides original culprit). 2. 株戮 [zhu1lu4], v.t., kill or be killed because of connection with criminal case. 3. 株守 [zhu1shou3], v.t., usu. in 守株待兔 wait at tree hole for the reappearance of the hare--hence 株守 to keep (narrow or bigoted views) and resist change, as 株守成法.