释义 |
柔柔 | 537A15 32.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄖㄡˊ [rou2] | Adj. | (1) Weak, flexible, pliant (opp. 剛 strong, rigid): 柔弱 [rou2ruo4]↓; 柔軟 [rou2ruan3]↓; 柔韌 flexible, pliable; 柔懦 weak, timid; 柔茹 ditto; 好柔 very weak (soft); 柔得很 extremely soft (supple, flexible). (2) Soft, mild, gentle: 柔和 [rou2he2]↓; 柔順 meek, submissive; 溫柔 gentle, meek; 柔媚 effeminate, ingratiating; 柔柔的 soft to the touch; 柔婉 gentle and genial; 柔嫩 soft and tender; 柔然 an anc. Tartar tribe; 輕柔 light and soft; 柔惠 gentle and kind; 柔風 a gentle breeze; 柔光 a soft light.
| Words | 1. 柔腸 [rou2chang2], n., a woman’s (wife’s) pining for her lover (husband): 柔腸寸斷 the heart breaks to think of one's love. 2. 柔情 [rou2qing2], n., the tender feelings of a lover: 柔情萬種 the indescribable feelings of one desperately in love. 3. 柔道 [rou2dao4], n., (1) the soft approach (opp. 霸道 the way of the bully); (2) judo. 4. 柔汗 [rou2han4]1, n., (Chin. med.) cold sweat. 5. 柔翰 [rou2han4]2, n., the writing brush. 6. 柔和 [rou2he2], adj., soft, gentle. 7. 柔化 [rou2hua4], (1) V.i., soft down, weaken; (2) n., softening (weakening) of attitude. 8. 柔曼 [rou2man4], adj., (AC, LL) (of woman's flesh) soft and supple. 9. 柔麻 [rou2ma2], n., mulberry and hemp (material or occupation of sericulture and weaving). 10. 柔軟 [rou2ruan3] ([rou2ruan0]), adj., soft, flexible, easily bent: 柔軟體操 calisthenics. 11. 柔弱 [rou2ruo4], adj., weak, soft, meek. 12. 柔日 [rou2ri4], n., even days designated by 乙,丁,己,辛 and 癸 in the 天干 system of reckoning time (opp. 剛日 odd days designated by 甲,丙,戊,庚 and 壬), see Appendix A. 13. 柔色 [rou2se4], n., a smiling face put on by the son in the presence of his father. 14. 柔性 [rou2xing4], n., flexibility (opp. 剛性 rigidity). 15. 柔術 [rou2shu4], n., judo, jujitsu. 16. 柔荑 [rou2ti2], n., a woman's lovely hands (“as soft and white as young reeds”). 17. 柔握 [rou2wo4], n., a woman's tender hands. 18. 柔遠 [rou2yUan3], phr., show kindness to people from distant lands. 19. 柔魚 [rou2yU2], n., (zoo.) the cuttlefish, Ommastrephus pacificus (also 魷魚).