释义 |
析析 | 120B10 10B.22-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄒㄧ [xi1] | V.i. & t. | (1) To break up (unit), cut or tear apart: 剖析 to dissect (word meaning); for members of a family to break up and live separately; 析居,析爨 [xi1jU1], [xi1cuan4], etc.↓. (2) To analyze, dissect (meaning, problem): 分析 analyze, -lysis; 解析 analyze meaning; 析疑,析義 [xi1yi2], [xi1yi4]↓.
| Words | 1. 析產 [xi1chan3], vi., (brothers) divide common property. 2. 析箸 [xi1zhu4], v.i., see [xi1cuan4]↓. 3. 析居 [xi1jU1], v.i., (brothers, husband and wife) to live separately. 4. 析析 [xi1xi1], adj., rustling sound (var. 淅淅). 5. 析爨 [xi1cuan4], v.i., to set up separate kitchens. 6. 析煙 [xi1yan1], v.i., see [xi1cuan4]↑ 7. 析義 [xi1yi4], v.i., to analyze and explain meaning of text. 8. 析疑 [xi1yi2], v.i., to dispel doubts (in problems of authorship, text, etc.).