释义 |
末末 | 5B35 10.01 | 部居
| 畫數 5 | ㄇㄛˋ [mo4] | N. | (1) Last part (versus 本 foundation): 本末 beginning and end: 物有本末,事有終始 there is a proper sequence of foundation and end-results, of first and last things; 德者本也,財者末也 character is the foundation and wealth follows; 本末倒置 put first things last or last things first. (2) Dust, powder (oft. [mo4zi0], [mo4er0]): 粉筆末 (兒) chalk powder; 麵包末兒 bread crumbs; 茶葉末 tea-leaves dust; 藥末 medical powder. (3) Name of old man's role in Chin. drama.
| Adj. | (1) Last in time : 末了 at the end; 末班車 the last train or bus; 末年 the last years of a period; 末葉 the last generations of family, last part of century or dynasty; 末流,末代 last generations. (2) Last in place: 末座,末位,末席 the lowest seats at table. (3) Last in importance: 末技,末藝 small arts; 末策,末計 the last resort after other methods fail; 末議 insignificant criticism, (modest) my humble views; 末官 (modest) your humble servant, self-reference of official to superior.
| Words | 1. 末後 [mo4hou4], adv., later, after that. 2. 末減 [mo4jian3], v.t., commute sentence, lighten punishment. 3. 末節 [mo4jie2], n., unimportant details. 4. 末了(兒) [mo4liao3]([er0]), adv., at the end. 5. 末流 [mo4liu2], n., later and usually corrupted stage of movement. 6. 末路 [mo4lu4], n., the end, death (of plans). 7. 末命 [mo4ming4], n., last will (oral). 8. 末末了 [mo4mo4liao3], adv., at the very end. 9. 末日 [mo4ri4], n., the Judgment Day. 10. 末梢 [mo4shao1], n., small end, extremity; n.,末梢神經 nerve endings, peripheral nerves. 11. 末世 [mo4shi4], adj., last or declining years; 末世論 [mo4shi4lun4], n., eschatology. 12. 末學 [mo4xUe2], n., shallow scholar, -ship: 末學後進 the younger superficial students; (oft. modest) one's own scholarship. 13. 末俗 [mo4su2], n., (derog.) modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways. 14. 末尾 [mo4wei3], n., end (of event, thing). 15. 末業 [mo4ye4], n., lower professions (traditionally, commerce and industry).