释义 |
未未 | 4C35 10.01 | 部居
| 畫數 5 | ㄨㄟˋ [wei4] | N. | (1) Number 8 in duodecimal cycle, see Appendix A. (2) 未時 1:00-3:00 p.m.
| Adv. | (1) Not, yet, have not yet (contrast 不 do not, will not): 未曾 [wei4ceng2]↓; 未能 have not been able to; 尚未過目 have not seen it yet; 未遇 failed to see him on visit; 未嫁 not yet married; 未成年 under age, or a minor; 和約未成 negotiations have not yet been concluded; 未老先衰 old before one's age; 未之前聞 never heard of it; 未之有也 there never was such a thing. (2) (LL) at the end of a sentence, equals “or not?”: 寒梅著花未 have the plum flowers come to bud yet?
| Words | 1. 未便 [wei4bian4], phr., it's not convenient to. 2. 未必 [wei4bi4], phr., is not sure (to, that), not definitely (usu. conjecture): 未必來 is not sure to come; 未必看見這件 (s.o.)may not have seen this letter. 3. 未嘗 [wei4chang2], adv., never: 未嘗對他說過 never told him; used in double negative: 未嘗不是 can't say that it is wrong, it is quite right, see [wei4ceng2]↓. 4. 未定草 [wei4ding4cao3], n., author's manuscripts which are not final, also 未定稿. 5. 未冠 [wei4guan4], adj., (AC) not yet mature, before the “capping ceremony” (冠禮). 6. 未遑 [wei4huang2], phr., have not had time to (do): 未遑執筆 have not had the time to write you a letter. 7. 未婚妻 [wei4hun1qi1], n., fianc 8. 未幾 [wei4ji3], adv., (1) soon after, in a short time; (2) (LL) not much or many (=無幾 ). 9. 未經 [wei4jing1], phr., have not yet (gone through) : 未經閱過 have not read it yet. 10. 未及 [wei4ji2], phr., not in time for, have not had time to; have not had time (to prepare, to answer your letter, etc.). 11. 未知數 [wei4zhi1shu4], n., an unknown quantity or number. 12. 未來 [wei4lai2], n., the future, time to come; n., 未來的 adj., future (luck, etc.). 13. 未了 [wei4liao3], adj., unfinished (business). 14. 未免 [wei4mian3], adv., (1) can’t say that it isn't (tactful expression for “is”): 未免過份 is rather too presumptuous; (2) could not help: 未免答他兩句 could not help saying a word or two in reply; 未免多情 could not help being sentimental. 15. 未能 [wei4neng2], adv., could not: 未能免俗 phr., (court.)have to follow the customs. 16. 未然 [wei4ran2], adj. & n., before event, before it happens: 防患於未然 prevent trouble before it happens. 17. 未入流 [wei4ru4liu2]. adj., out of the run; (of writers) not yet known or recognized. 18. 未若 [wei4ruo4], phr., it would be better to (sell it, recognize its existence, etc.). 19. 未悉 [wei4xi1], phr., (in letters) do not know (how you are, etc.), =未知. 20. 未詳 [wei4xiang2], phr., is not expressly stated, not told: 情形未詳 do not know the details. 21. 未遂 [wei4sui4], phr., (plan, wish) not realized or fulfilled. 22. 未曾 [wei4ceng2], adv., never: 未曾見過 never saw, have never seen. 23. 未完 [wei4wan2], phr., not yet finished. 24. 未亡人 [wei4wang2ren2], n., widow in self-reference (person who is due to die but “hasn't yet”). 25. 未央 [wei4yang1], phr., (the night) is not far spent yet. 26. 未有 [wei4you3], phr., there never was: 未有如此作法 it was never done like this.