释义 |
朋朋 | 712C00 42A.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄆㄥˊ [peng2] | N. | (1) Friend, esp. 朋友 [peng2you3]↓; 良朋 good, worthy friends; 高朋滿座 a party of many distinguished friends. (2) Political clique: 朋黨,朋比 [peng2dang3], [peng2bi4]↓. (3) (AC) comparison, equal: 碩大無朋 huge without compare. (4) (AC) an ancient coin.
| Adv. | Together, as a group: 朋分 (AC) share together; 朋劫 (AC) group robbery, referring to corrupt officials.
| Words | 1. 朋比 [peng2bi4], adv., in 朋比為奸 phr., conspire for illegal or selfish ends. 2. 朋儔 [peng2chou2], n., (LL) friends and associates. 3. 朋黨 [peng2dang3], n., political clique. 4. 朋附 [peng2fu4], v.t., join hands, team up with (person in power). 5. 朋僚 [peng2liao2], n., friends and colleagues. 6. 朋朋 [peng2peng2], n., sound of winds. 7. 朋從 [peng2zong4], n., friends and companions. 8. 朋友 [peng2you3], n., friends: 好,壞朋友 good, bad friends; 患難朋友 friends in need or during crisis; 酒肉朋友 playboy friends.