

ㄏㄨㄟˋ [hui4 (*ㄏㄨㄟˇ [hui3, *ㄎㄨㄞˋ [kuai4).
N.(1)  Association, society, club, organization (including church, guild): 工 labor union;
secret society;
館 guild;
farmers’ association;
learned society, academic association;
青年 Y.M.C.A., 耶穌 Society of Jesus (Cath.);
society in gen.
(2)  Committee, conference meeting: 委員 committee;
董事,理事 board of trustees, directors;
,閉 open, close meeting;
[hui4yi4]2↓ ;
tea party, a reception;
dinner party;
dinner (esp. for some occasion);
博覽,展覽 exposition;
temple fair.
(3)  Capital: 都 metropolis;
provincial capital.
(4)  Mutual loan and savings company: 合 (合儲蓄公司) a temporary group to raise money by monthly subscriptions, the money going to the highest bidder of interest for the month: 做,打 form such association, hold association meeting;
bid for the loan money;
draw lots for loan money;
determine by dice;
also instalment plan among merchants, in which one subscribes to amount of purchase wholesale, but pays by monthly installment plan: 上,填 pay the monthly installment.
(5)  A short moment: 這兒 at present;
子工夫,不多一兒,沒多大 (兒) in a short moment;
兒 (*[hueeer0]) in a short while.
Vb.(1)  aux. Can, will: 做,吃 can work, can eat;
can it be? can (it, you, he)? see [hui4de0]↓;
天不晴 the sky will not clear up;
下兩 it's going to rain;
漲價 the prices will go up.
(2)  Could (subjunctive): 他走錯路 could he have gone off in the wrong direction? 是他偷的 could it be he who stole it?
V.i. & t.(1)  Have the ability to, good at: 唱 can play the guitar and sing;
水 good at swimming;
道 good at talking;
樣樣都,無一不 can do everything;
天文星算 know astronomy and astrology.
(2)  Understand: 領 appreciate, understand;
悟,通,意,[hui4wu4]2, [hui4tong1], [hui4yi4], [hui4xin1]↓;
(3)  To meet together: 聚,相 (friends, etc.) meet together;
pay formal call;
客 see visitors;
親 visit relatives, meeting of prospective families before betrothal of marriage;
同,[hui4tong2], [hui4he2]↓;
齊,集,[hui4qi2], [hui4ji2], [hui4jian4]↓;
商 put our heads together, discuss together.
(4)  To pay: 賬,鈔 pay for accounts;
飯錢已經過了 pay for friend's meal at chance meeting in restaurant.
(5)  To communicate officially: 照 communicate to official of equal rank.
(6)  To come upon: 日出 just as the day breaks;
大風起 just as a wind storm comes up.
Adv.Jointly (forming words with [hui4]+vb.): 餐 dine together;
飲 come together for a drink;
簽 sign jointly;
呈 jointly sign petition;
審 conduct trial jointly or formerly try by Mixed Court in foreign concessions;
銜 official communication signed jointly.
Words1. [hui4ban4], n., co-director.
2. [hui4chang3], n., place of meeting, assembly hall, auditorium.
3. [hui4qi2], v.i., to assemble to do s.t.
4. [hui4de0], v.i., (1) can; (2) understand.
5. [hui4dian3], n., book on institutions and laws of a dynasty.
6. [hui4dong3], n., board of trustees (short for 董事).
7. [hui4fei4], n., membership dues.
8. [hui4guan3], n., guild (of a clan, profession or native district).
9. [hui4he2], v.i., to assemble; (of army units) join forces; 合點 (math.) point of concurrence.
10. [hui4hua4], n., conversation; manual of conversation; dialogue.
11. [hui4zhang3], n., president of club or association.
12. [hui4zhan4], v.i., (of two armies) meet for great battle.
13. [hui4zhang1], n., rules and regulations of association.
14. [hui4jian4], v.t., meet, see visitor.
15. 計 *[kuai1ji4], n., accountancy; treasurer; 計師 accountant; 計年度 Fiscal Year .
16. [hui4ji2], v.i., to assemble.
17. [hui4zhi3], n., address of association.
18. [hui4kao3], n., formerly, national examination for the third degree (進士) at the capital; nationally unified examination.
19. [hui4meng2], n., (AC) conference of heads of states for signing treaties.
20. [hui4mian4], v.i., meet face to face.
21. [hui4she4], n., commercial firm, esp. in Japanese; association or society.
22. [hui4xin1], phr., silent appreciation: 心的微笑 a smile of understanding.
23. [hui4shi1], v.i., (of army units) join forces for battle.
24. [hui4shi4]1, adj., conversant, experienced. (=懂事); 事人 a man who knows how to handle a situation.
25. [hui4shi4]2, n. & v.i., see [hui4kao3]↑.
26. [hui4suo3], club building
27. [hui4cui4], v.i., congregate (usu. of talents, scholars).
28. [hui4tong1], v.t., to master, understand thoroughly, show unified comprehension.
29. [hui4tong2], adv., jointly (manage, etc.).
30. [hui4wu4]1, v.t., to meet or see personally (a friend).
31. [hui4wu4]2, v.t., realize (a truth).
32. [hui4wu4]3, n., club or committee affairs.
33. [hui4yao4], n., a compendium of government and social institutions of a period or country.
34. [hui4yi4]1, v.i., (1) silently appreciate, understand (ing); (2) a principle of Chinese character formation by two elements (as 信 honesty, belief, composed of “man” and 言 “words”).
35. [hui4yi4]2, n., conference: 和平議 peace conference.
36. [hui4yin1], n., the perineum.
37. [hui4you3], (1) n., member of association, see [hui4yUan2]2↓; (2) phr., 以文友 form a literary circle.
38. [hui4yUan2]1, n., the first on list of candidates for the third degree 進士 (cf. 狀 元 21S.81).
39. [hui4yUan2]2, n., member of association; 員大 general assembly.





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