释义 |
最最 | 652C20 41.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄗㄨㄟˋ [zui4] | Adj. & adv. | Best, most, least, to the highest (lowest) degree: 最好 [zui4hao3]↓; 最好的 the best one; 最佳 best, finest; 最便宜 cheapest; 最美 most beautiful; 最初 [zui4chu1]↓; 最先 earliest; 以此為最 this one is the best. 最難 the hardest, most difficult; 最終的 the last one; 最後 [zui4hou4]↓; 最要緊 most important; 最為至要 of the utmost importance; 最關緊要 of the utmost urgency and importance; 最新式 most stylish, chic, * la mode; 最時髦 most fashionable; 最不要臉 most shameless, brazen, thick-skinned; 最高 tallest, highest, supreme; 最低 lowest; 最大 maximum, maximal; 最小 minimum, minimal; 最細 infinitesimal; 最多(少) most (least) numerous.
| Words | 1. 最初 [zui4chu1], adj. & adv., (at) first, initial(ly). 2. 最殿 [zui4dian4], n., the first and the last successful contestants. 3. 最凡 [zui4fan2], n., see [zui4mu4]↓. 4. 最高法院 [zui4gao1fa2yUan3], n., supreme court. 5. 最好 [zui4hao3], adj., best of all. 6. 最後 [zui4hou4], adj., final, ultimate: 最後關頭 final reckoning, the moment of truth; 最後通牒 an ultimatum; 最後一次 the last round (turn, time); 最後一分鐘 at the last minute. 7. 最惠國 [zui4hui4guo2], n., (international law) the most-favored nation: 最惠國條款 the most-favored-nation clause. 8. 最目 [zui4mu4], n., a summary table of contents.