释义 |
曲曲 | 368A30 22.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄑㄩ [qU1] (*ㄑㄩˇ [qU3] ). | N. | (*[qU3]) (1) ([qU3zi0],[er0]) A song, esp. one sung on the stage; 歌曲 a song; 曲本,曲譜,曲牌,曲調 *[qU3ben3], *[qU3pu3], *[qU3pai2], *[qU3diao4]↓; 作曲 compose melody for song; 度曲 to sing or play melody apart from reading words; 交響曲 symphony; 協奏曲 concerto; 圓舞曲 waltz; 輪旋曲 rondo; 搖籃曲 lullaby; 組曲 suite; 序曲 overture; 奏鳴曲 sonata; 小步舞曲 minuet; 小夜曲 serenade; 幻想曲 fantasia; 狂想曲 rhapsody; 前奏曲 prelude; 練習曲 etude; 進行曲 march; 流行曲 popular music. (2) Drama, opera: 戲曲 drama; 宋元戲曲 Suhng and Yuarn drama; 元曲 Yuarn drama (where the songs are the essential parts); 崑曲 Kunshan drama; 北曲,南曲 northern, southern forms of drama; 雜曲 popular songs, esp. those sung for public entertainment. (3) A nook, recess: 河曲 bend of river; 鄉曲 small town, remote from cities; 鄉曲之士 village schoolmaster; 心曲,衷曲 inner recesses of the heart; 委曲 a sense of being wronged, usu. not expressed. (4) Private in army: 部曲 rank and file of soldiers. (5) A surname.
| Adj. | (1) Bent, twisted, curving: 曲曲彎彎,曲裡拐彎兒 twisting along (alley, etc.); 曲線 [qU1xian4]↓; 曲突徙薪 clear up corner of firewoods to prevent fire-take precautionary measures; 曲水 a hidden recess on water; 曲徑通幽 (Chin. architecture) a small path opens up on an enchanting view. (2) Not right, wrong: 曲直,曲解,曲庇 [qU1zhi2], [qU1jie3], [qU1bi4]↓. (3) In a roundabout way, by special effort: 委曲求全 save the situation by some concessions; 曲全其意 to yield and enable his goal to be achieved; 曲庇,曲成,曲赦 [qU1bi4], [qU1cheng2], [qU1she4]↓.
| Words | 1. 曲本 *[qU2ben3], n., libretto, opera text. 2. 曲庇 [qU1bi4], v.t., specially protect, be partial to (s.o.). 3. 曲筆 [qU1bi3], v.i., (1) (LL) to gloss over (person's faults), esp. in history writing; to hint merely at (unsavory facts); (2) to distort laws or their interpretation. 4. 曲簿 [qU1bo2], n., bamboo frame for cultivating silkworms where silk cocoons are spun. 5. 曲成 [qU1cheng2], v.t., to help completion (of a good cause), help a lovers’ union. 6. 曲全 [qU1qUan2], v.i., make special effort to bring about realization (of plan, goal, etc.). 7. 曲尺 [qU1chi3], n., carpenter's square. 8. 曲調 *[qU3diao4], n., melody of song. 9. 曲度 [qU1du4], n., (math.) curvature. 10. 曲拐 [qU1guai3], n., a crank (in machine). 11. 曲折 [qU1zhe2], n., (1) ups and downs in course of events; (2) turns and twists of affairs 12. 曲解 [qU1jie3], v.t., to misinterpret, to force a wrong interpretation. 13. 曲謹 [qU1jin3], adj., fastidious on details. 14. 曲直 [qU1zhi2], n., the right and wrong (of a case). 15. 曲領 [qU1ling3], n., (MC) round collar. 16. 曲率 [qU1lU4], n., (math.) curvature. 17. 曲面 [qU1mian4], n., (math.) curved face. 18. 曲撓 [qU1nao2], v.t., (p.p.) wrongly blamed. 19. 曲牌 *[qU3pai2], n., name of song or operatic selection on program. 20. 曲譜 *[qU2pu3], n., music notation for songs. 21. 曲鱔 [qU1shan4] (re. pr. also *[qU2shan4]), n., (AC) earthworm. 22. 曲赦 [qU1she4], v.t., pardon by special decree. 23. 曲線 [qU1xian4], n., (1) (math.) a curves; (2) curve esp. of feminine body: 曲線美 beautiful curve; 曲線板 a curved ruler used by draftsmen. 24. 曲說 [qU1shuo1], n., a biassed or forced opinion. 25. 曲士 [qU1shi4]1, n., (AC) a philistine, shallow scholar. 26. 曲室 [qU1shi4]2, n., (AC) a den or conclave, room for discussion in secret. 27. 曲學 [qU1xUe2], n., heretical school, esoteric teachings. 28. 曲意 [qU1yi4]1, adv., by special or roundabout methods: 曲意求全 make special allowances or concessions to save a situation. 29. 曲藝 [qU1yi4]2, n., the musical arts (of singing, dancing). 30. 曲踊 [qU1yong3], v.i., (AC) jump up and down in folk dances.