释义 |
曉曉 | 662A30 41A.70-1 | 部居
| 畫數 16 | ㄒㄧㄠˇ [xiao3] | N. | Daybreak: 天將曉 toward daybreak; 破曉,拂曉 dawn, daybreak; 曉行夜宿 (of traveller) get up early and stop for the night; 春眠不覺曉 in spring, one sleeps and wakes up to find it is already day.
| V.i. & t. | To know, understand: 曉得 [xiao3de0]↓; 洞曉,通曉 (LL) understand thoroughly (a subject).
| Adj. & adv. | Clear, -ly, explicit, -ly: 曉諭,曉示 [xiao3yU4], [xiao3shi4]1↓; 曉暢 [xiao3chang4]↓.
| Words | 1. 曉暢 [xiao3chang4], adj., (of writing) lucid, clear and expressive. 2. 曉得 [xiao3de0], V.i., to know: 曉得了 (I) know already, (in answer to instructions) I understand; 不曉得 do not know. 3. 曉會 [xiao3hui4], V.i., realize. 4. 曉了 [xiao3liao3], V.i., to understand. 5. 曉譬 [xiao3pi4], n., to make clear by analogy, parable. 6. 曉人 [xiao3ren2], n., one who understands, knowledgeable person. 7. 曉示 [xiao3shi4]1, V.t., to explain explicitly: 曉示民眾 to announce to the people or instruct the public. 8. 曉事 [xiao3shi4]2, adj., understanding, experienced (person): 他很曉事 he is very understanding and experienced. 9. 曉悟 [xiao3wu4], V.i., to realize (truth, mistake). 10. 曉諭 [xiao3yU4], V.t., to instruct and explain (to the public).