

ㄢˋ [an4
Adj.(1)  Dark: 黑 dark;
dusk, twilight, heavily shadowed or overcast;
(fig.) dark ways, opp. the right path: 棄投明 (of rebel) return to government or orthodox church;
無天日 gross lack of justice under misgovernment.
(2)  Secret, covert (code, plan, etc.): [an4hao4]↓;
度陳倉 secret relations with sweetheart (allu. secret crossing of river at 陳倉).
Adv.Secretly: 想 secretly think or wonder: 猜 guess at riddle;
笑 laugh at person's back;
泣 weep secretly;
襲 attack in the dark;
藏 hide, conceal;
Words1. [an4an4], adv., secretly, clandestinely.
2. [an4chang3], n., (Chin. theater) a scene in plot which is merely suggested and not acted out.
3. [an4chang1], n., private prostitute.
4. [an4chao2], n., (lit. & fig.) undercurrent.
5. [an4qi4], n., concealed weapons, such as hidden arrows, darts.
6. 處(兒) [an4chu4]([er0]), n., a dark place, a secret place.
7. [an4dan4], adj., obscure, pale, not fresh (color) (also wr. 淡, dim, dismal).
8. 地(裡) [an4di4]([li0]), adv., secretly, behind one's back.
9. [an4fang2], n., (photography) darkroom.
10. [an4gou1], n., covered sewerage.
11. [an4hai4], v.t., to plot murder or injury secretly.
12. 含著 [an4han2zhe0], adj. & adv., containing covert, indirect (hint, criticism).
13. 號(兒) [an4hao4]([er0]), n., secret signal.
14. [an4he2], v.i., coincide naturally and without effort with (another's wish).
15. 花兒 [an4hua1er0], n., veiled design or pattern.
16. 間兒 [an4jia1er0], n., (Peking coll.) comparatively darker rooms in house, opp. 明間兒 bright or front rooms.
17. [an4jian4], n., arrow shot from concealed source; anonymous attack.
18. [an4jiao1], n., hidden or submerged rocks in current.
19. [an4ji4]1, n., see [an4suan4]↓.
20. [an4ji4]2, n., (1) secret marking; n., (2) make a mental note of s.t.: 記兒 [an4ji4]2[er0], n., silent signal.
21. [an4jiu3], n., multiple of nine (such as 18, 27) days or years.
22. [an4ji2], n., secret ugly disease-euphemism for venereal disease.
23. [an4zhuan3], v.i., (theater) change scene with lights out.
24. [an4zhuang1], n., hidden piles in stream for blocking boats.
25. [an4zhong1], adv., secretly, furtively.
26. [an4li3], adv., secretly.
27. [an4liu2], n., undercurrent, see [an4chao2]↑.
28. 樓子 [an4lou2zi0], n., an attic.
29. 碼(兒)(子) [an4ma3]([er0])([zi0]), n., secret code; any secret marking.
30. [an4mei4], adj., underhand, stealthy; disgraceful (affair); also wr. 闇昧.
31. 門子 [an4men2zi0], n., secret house of prostitution.
32. [an4se4], n., dark color.
33. [an4sha1], v.t., to assassinate.
34. [an4she4], v.t., to hint at; to make concealed reference to person under disguise or by fictitious name.
35. [an4xiang1]1, n., camera obscura.
36. [an4xiang1]2, n., as in 香疏影 (illu.) reference to the plum flower (“darkly sweet scent and sparse branch lines”).
37. [an4xiao4], v.i. & t., sneer at.
38. [an4shi4]1, v.i. & t., to suggest, hint; n., a hint.
39. [an4shi4]2, n., shady affair.
40. [an4shi4]3, n., a dark room; (photography) darkroom.
41. [an4suan4], v.t., to plot secretly against s.o.
42. [an4tan4], n., secret agent.
43. [an4yU3], n., a concealed analogy, a metaphor.





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