释义 |
智智 | 1338C15 92.41 | 部居
| 畫數 12 | ㄓˋ [zhi4] | N. | (1) Wisdom, intelligence: 智慧,智力 [zhi4hui4], [zhi4li4]1↓: 智育 intellectual education, dist. physical or moral education; 急智 quick wit; 智圓行方 (AC) to know all around but to act straight; 智勇雙全 good in astuteness and physical prowess; 足智多謀 very resourceful; 智,仁,勇 sagacity, charity and courage. (2) A surname.
| Adj. | Wise, clever, resourceful, astute: 上智下愚 the very wisest and the most stupid; 大智若愚 the wisest man is often stupid-looking.
| Words | 1. 智巧 [zhi4qiao3], adj., clever. 2. 智齒 [zhi4chi3], n., wisdom tooth. 3. 智鬥 [zhi4dou4], v.i., (MC) vie in wisdom, strategy. 4. 智多星 [zhi4duo1xing1], n., resourceful strategist. 5. 智慧 [zhi4hui4], n., wisdom; 智慧板 see 七 巧板 70.70; 智慧劍 (Budd.) the “sword of wisdom” to cut through mortal involvements. 6. 智者 [zhi4zhe3], n., a wise man. 7. 智力 [zhi4li4]1, n., mental power; intelligence: 智力測驗 intelligence test. 8. 智利 [zhi4li4]2, n., Chile. 9. 智謀 [zhi4mou2], n., clever strategy. 10. 智囊 [zhi4nang2], n., (LL) a bag of wisdom; a clever man; a presidential advisor; 智囊團 brain trust. 11. 智能 [zhi4neng2], n., intellectual ability. 12. 智識 [zhi4shi4], n., knowledge (also wr. 知識); 智識階級 the intelligentsia.