释义 |
晴晴 | 660B50 41A.42-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄑㄧㄥˊ [qing2] | Adj. | Clear (sky), fair, not rainy (weather): 天晴了 sky has cleared, rain has stopped; 放晴了 ditto; 晴空萬里 a big, clear open sky; 晴雨無阻 rain or shine; 晴空 cloudless sky; 晴天霹靂 bolt from the blue.
| Words | 1. 晴和 [qing2he2], adj., clear and mild (weather). 2. 晴朗 [qing2lang3], adj., bright and clear (weather). 3. 晴爽 [qing2shuang3], adj., dry and pleasant (weather). 4. 晴天 [qing2tian1], n., a clear day. 5. 晴雨表 [qing2yU2biao3], n., barometer.