

N.A surname.
V.i. & t.(1)  To execute, carry out, put practice: [shi1xing2]↓;
put into practice;
measures for carrying out policy, etc.;
展雄才 (an opportunity) to put one's great ability to use.
(2)  To give, distribute: 恩,惠 to give favors or blessings;
與某人 give to certain person;
己所不欲,勿諸人 do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself;
樂善好 always glad to give to charities;
粥 give gruel to the poor;
(monks) beg for alms, also give to poor, temple;
[shi1zai1], [shi1zhen4], [shi1fei2], [shi1fang4]↓.
(3)  To apply: 手術 to make a surgical operation;
刑 mete out punishment to criminal, apply torture;
[shi1gong1], [shi1li3], [shi1yi1]↓.
Words1. [shi1cheng3], v.t., to put to good use (one's talent, ability).
2. [shi1en1], v.t., (God) to bless; to grant favors; (judge) to show leniency.
3. [shi1fang4], v.t., (1) to spread, to apply widely (belief, policy, insecticide); (2) to give (food, drink) to beggars, the poor.
4. [shi1fei2], v.t., apply fertilizer in farm fields.
5. [shi1gong1], v.i., (1) to work on, revise, etc., (2) to process (raw material) in industry.
6. [shi1zhan3], v.t., [shi1cheng3]↑.
7. [shi1zhen4], v.i., give relief to famine, etc.
8. [shi1zheng4], v.i., administer government affairs; carry out policies.
9. [shi1jiao4], v.i., (1) to do missionary work; to spread religion; (2) to teach knowledge and behavior.
10. [shi1jiu4], v.t., to rescue and resuscitate (drowned man), help (destitute).
11. [shi1zhu3], n., benefactor (in charity).
12. [shi1lao2], v.i., (AC) to boast of one's efforts.
13. [shi1li3], v.t., to apply certain rites, esp. baptism, see [shi1xi3]↓.
14. [shi1san3], v.i., to scatter.
15. [shi1she3], v.i., to give alms, to give to charity (also wr. 舍).
16. [shi1she4], v.t. & n., decorate, -tions; apportion, -ment.
17. [shi1xi3], v.t., to baptize.
18. [shi1xing2], v.t., to put into effect, to execute (orders): 行細則 detailed regulations, rules of procedure.
19. [shi1zai1], v.i., give food to monastery.
20. [shi1wei1], v.i., use force; impress with force; (of gods) show anger or power.
21. [shi1wei2], n., what one does.
22. [shi1yi1], v.i., (1) to practise medicine; (2) to give medical help free.





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