释义 |
於於 | 876C20 60S.63-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄩˊ [yU2] . (*ㄨ [wu1] ). [Var. of于, see 31.00] | N. | surname.
| Prep. | (1) To, at, in, from, with, than, by, varying with context: 死於海 drown at sea; 生於美國 born in the United States; 置於某處 put at certain place; 施於 apply to; 及於 spread to; 於心何忍 how can one have the heart to do it? 始於 began from; 振民於水火 save people from deep misery; 出於偶然 comes from (by) accident; 莫要於此 nothing more important than this; 有求於我 has s.t. to beg of me. (2) Forms part of certain phrr.: 關於 concerning; 對於這個問題 regarding this problem; 對於我,對於他 to me, to him (advantageous, etc.); 等於 same as; 長於,善於 good at s.t.; 勇於 brave at (private quarrels); 怯於 shy away from (public causes); 明於是非 clear in sense of right and wrong; 於此,於是,於是乎,於焉 from this, therefore; 於此可見 thus from this one can see that; 由於,緣於,基於 because of, etc.
| Words | 1. 於戲 *[wu1hu1], excl., (AC) alas! 2. 於今 [yU2jin1], adv., now, at, to the present; nowadays. 3. 於是 [yU2shi4], adv., therefore, from this, hence; also 於是乎. 4. 於菟 *[wu1tu4], n., (AC dial.) tiger. 5. 於焉 [yU2yan0], adv., see [yU2shi4]↑. 6. 於邑 [yU2yi4], adj., u.f. 紆 sad, distressed, oppressed (in feeling) (=紆鬱).