释义 |
斷斷 | 336C00 21S.22-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄉㄨㄢˋ [duan4] . [Abbr. ] | V.t. | (1) To cut or break off, snap: 斷手,指,臂 cut off hand, finger, arm; 斷髮紋身 (of barbarians) cut hair short and tattoo body; 斷頭 to behead; 斷了 be broken; 不斷(的) continuously; 斷碎 broken to pieces; 斷線風箏 kite with broken line--whereabouts unknown; 斷片 broken part; 斷 殘編 incomplete parts of ancient scripts; 斷章取義 take out of context to make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context. (2) To discontinue: 斷後 have no progeny; 斷交 break off friendship; 斷氣,斷魂,斷炊 [duan4qi4], [duan4hun2], [duan4cui1]↓. (3) To stop, break off habits, practice: 斷煙,酒 stop smoking, drinking; 斷癮 stop opium-smoking; 斷屠,斷宰 ban butchery of pigs; 斷乳 be weaned. (4) To decide: 斷定,決斷,定斷 ditto; 當機立斷 decide on the spot; 很有決斷 have strong decision; 獨斷獨行 highhanded, arbitrary, imperious, overbearing, decide and act alone; 非常果斷 have determination of character; decide at court and decree: 斷有罪,無罪 pronounce guilty, not guilty; 斷案 settle lawsuit; 斷押,償,罰 decree detention, compensation, fine; 斷吉凶 decide luck by divination.
| Vb. suffix. | In half, apart, off: 切斷,割斷,截斷 cut off (retreat, line); 折斷 break, tear apart (rails, stick); 拉斷 pull and break (thread); 打斷 interrupt (speech, story); 間斷 ([jian4duan4]) interrupted, -tion.
| Adv. | Certainly, absolutely: 斷然,斷斷 absolutely; 斷然不可 certainly will not be allowed; 斷無此理 certainly could not have happened, could not be; 斷不能 certainly cannot; 斷難相允 certainly will not consent.
| Words | 1. 斷腸 [duan4chang2], phr., “break intestines”(poet.) for extreme sadness, esp. longing for lovers. 2. 斷七 [duan4qi1], phr., (Budd.) mass on 49th day of death. 3. 斷氣 [duan4qi4], v.i., draw last breath. 4. 斷除 [duan4chu2], v.t., break off, remove (obstacles, bad habits or customs, etc.). 5. 斷定 [duan4ding4], v.i., decide (good, bad, to go, not to go). 6. 斷斷 [duan4duan4], adv., certainly, absolutely. 7. 斷根 [duan4gen1], v.i., make real cure of disease, opium-smoking, etc. 8. 斷魂 [duan4hun2], phr., (poet.) be forlorn, very sad, feel like a “lost soul.” 9. 斷機 [duan4ji1], n., allu., mother of Mencius cut cloth on loom when child did not study hard. 10. 斷絕 [duan4jUe2], v.t., cut off definitely: 斷絕後患 remove seeds of future trouble. 11. 斷片 [duan4pian4], n. & adj., piecemeal. 12. 斷然 [duan4ran2], adv., decisively. 13. 斷絃 [duan4xian2], phr., wife's death (like snapping of string on string instrument; phr., cf. 續絃 re-string, i.e., remarry). 14. 斷袖 [duan4xiu4], litr. phr., homosexuality. 15. 斷送 [duan4song4], v.t., forfeit: 斷送前程 forfeit career. 16. 斷頭臺 [duan4tou2tai2], n., guillotine; 斷頭將軍 allu. general who would rather die than surrender. 17. 斷層 [duan4ceng2], n., (geol.) a fault of vein. 18. 斷炊 [duan4cui1], phr., no hot meals (no more rice to cook at home). 19. 斷言 [duan4yan2], v.i. & t., assert, affirm, to make an allegation.