释义 |
斥斥 | 1152A05 90.22 | 部居
| 畫數 5 | ㄔˋ [chi4] | V.i. & t. | (1) to scold, shout at, rebuke harshly: 駁斥 make a sharp reply in argument. (2) To dismiss sharply, expel (interch. 叱): 斥退 [chi4tui4]↓; 斥放 expel to distant land; 斥罵 [chi4ma4]↓. (3) To open up land: 斥土,斥地 ditto. (4) To set watch sentinel: 斥候 [chi4hou4]↓; 斥騎 a cavalry on the watch. (5) To fill up: 充斥 fill up a place.
| Words | 1. 斥罷 [chi4ba4], v.i., (LL) to dismiss from office. 2. 斥斥 [chi4chi4], adj., (AC) broad, spacious. 3. 斥革 [chi4ge2], v.t., to dismiss from office. 4. 斥候 [chi4hou4], n., a sentinel. 5. 斥逐 [chi4zhu2], v.t., to dismiss angrily, to expel unceremoniously. 6. 斥力 [chi4li4], n., (phys.) power of repulsion. 7. 斥鹵 [chi4lu3], n., land impregnated with salt, therefore barren. 8. 斥罵 [chi4ma4], v.t., to bawl out s.o. (also wr. 叱罵). 9. 斥賣 [chi4mai4], v.t., (AC) sell out (horses). 10. 斥退 [chi4tui4], v.t., to dismiss (person) from presence; expel (student) from school. 11. 斥責 [chi4ze2], v.t., to rebuke severely (also wr.叱責).