释义 |
料料 | 405C35 22C.10-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄌㄧㄠˋ [liao4] | N. | (1) Material, raw material: 原料 material for making (utensils, chemicals, etc.); 資料 material for study, data; 衣料 fabrics, clothing material; 木料 timber; 工料 labor and material; 廢料 waste material, scraps; 飲料 drinks; 燃料 fuel (oil, wood, gas); 顏料 dye stuff; 藥料 medicine; 食料 foodstuff; 飼料,草料 animal feed, fodder, silage; 加料 enriched (food, drink, paint); 單料,雙料 simple, enriched material. (2) Chin. synthetic jade: 料貨 synthetic jade or glass. (3) A worthless person: 這塊料. (4) Used as n. adjunct: 一料藥方 one prescription.
| V.i. | (1) To imagine, calculate, reckon, anticipate: see 料想,料算 [liao4xiang3], [liao4suan4]↓; 料敵 anticipate what the enemy will do; 逆料,預料 anticipate beforehand, predict; 難以逆料 difficult to foretell; 料事如神 foretell things accurately (“miraculously”). (2) To look after, take care of: 照料 look after person's welfare, comfort: 照料孩兒 take good care of child.
| Words | 1. 料峭 [liao4qiao4], adj., chilly. 2. 料器 [liao4qi4], n., synthetic jade. 3. 料袋 [liao4dai4], n., (MC) bag for food. 4. 料豆 [liao4dou4], n., black bean as feed for cattle, horses. 5. 料度 [liao4duo4], v.i., reckon, imagine, calculate. 6. 料估 [liao4gu0], v.i., (1) estimate; (2) conjecture. 7. 料貨 [liao4huo4], n., synthetic or imitation jade or glass. 8. 料件子 [liao4jian4zi0], v.i., 料件子活 tailor work paid by piece. 9. 料量 [liao4liang4]1, v.i., calculate; imagine. 10. 料諒 [liao4liang4]2, v.i., ditto. 11. 料想 [liao4xiang3], n., a conjecture; v.i., imagine, conjecture. 12. 料算 [liao4suan4], v.i. to calculate (date of arrival, etc.) 13. 料子 [liao4zi0], n., material (good, bad) of cloth.