

ㄨㄣˊ [wen2 (*ㄨㄣˋ [wen4).
N.(1)  Writing, document, paper, text: [wen2zi4]↓;
official document;
牘,[wen2du2], [wen2shu1]↓;
text of agreement;
prepare a memorandum;
compose, -sition;
,本 original text;
translated text;
,下 passage above, below;
不加點 write well, fast and without need of revision;
不對題 get off the subject, go off on a tangent.
(2)  Language, spoken or written: 日,英,法,中 Japanese, English, French, Chinese.
(3)  Literary and artistic pursuits: 學,[wen2xUe2], [wen2yi4]2↓;
culture, civilization: 明,[wen2ming2]2, [wen2hua4]↓.
(4)  Lines, patterns (in cloth, pebbles).
(5)  A cash: 一 one cash;
不名 penniless.
(6)  A surname.
V.t.(*[wen4]) To cover up (mistake): 過,[wen4guo4], [wen4shi4]↓.
Adj.(1)  Literary, cultural: 斯 cultured, civil in manner;
縐縐 (also 謅謅) too literary in style, not simple;
(2)  Civilian, opp. 武 military: [wen2guan1]↓;
武全才 a man versed in both literature and military affairs.
(3)  Gentle: [wen2huo3]↓.
(4)  Containing patterns or lines: 蛤,犀,石,[wen2ge2], [wen2xi1], [wen2shi2], [wen2zhu2]↓.
Words1. [wen2an4], n., office of official documents; such documents.
2. [wen2bi3], n., a person's literary style or skill.
3. [wen2chang2] ([wen2chang3]), n., (1) hall of civil examinations; (2) formerly, orchestra of Chin. theater.
4. [wen2qi4]1, n., contract, deed.
5. [wen2qi4]2, n., force of writing.
6. [wen2qi3], n., (LL) stylistic decorations.
7. [wen2qin2], n., (AC) pheasant.
8. [wen2qing2], n., content and style of writing: 情並茂 rich in both.
9. 丑 (兒) [wen2chou3]([er0]), n., (Chin. theater) actors for civilian roles.
10. [wen2dan4], n., the pomelo.
11. [wen2ding4], n., (AC allu.) betrothal for marriage.
12. [wen2du2], n., correspondence, official communications; bureau in charge of this, secretariat.
13. [wen2fa3], n., (1) grammar; (2) composition technique.
14. [wen2fang2], n., a scholar's studio: 房四寶 “four treasures of the studio”--writing brush, ink, ink slab, paper--stationery requisites.
15. [wen2feng1], n., literary atmosphere or fashion.
16. [wen2gao4], n., government statement, public notice, proclamation.
17. [wen2ge2], n., a clam, Meretrix meretrix.
18. [wen2guan1], n., civilian official.
19. 過 *[wen4guo4], phr., 過飾非 to cover up one's errors by excuses.
20. [wen2han4], n., literary compositions.
21. [wen2hao2], n., a well-known writer.
22. [wen2hua4], n., culture: 化水準 cultural level; 化復興 cultural renaissance; 化機構 cultural organizations; (cf. [wen2ming2]↓, civilization); 化界 cultural circles.
23. [wen2huo3], n., slow fire (for steaming), opp. 武火 hot fire.
24. [wen2hu3], n., literary riddles, esp. as program amusement.
25. [wen2zhang1], n., (1) a literary composition, essay; (2) prose style; (3) ([wen2zhang0]) exciting or unexpected development (based on idea that a literary composition is a legerdemain): 這話裡頭有章 this statement contains some sly hints, innuendos; 底下有章看 some exciting development (of strike, etc.) may follow.
26. [wen2jian4], n., documents.
27. [wen2jiao4], n., culture and education: 聯合國科學教組織 the UNESCO; 教界 cultural and educational circles.
28. [wen2jing4], adj., quiet and refined.
29. [wen2jing1], n., (court. to scholars) your travelling schedule.
30. [wen2ji2]1, n., a writer's works.
31. [wen2ji2]2, n., books.
32. [wen2zhu2], n., a variety of fine, slender bamboo.
33. [wen2zhi4]1, n., government by civilians rather than military men; government promotion of literature and the arts.
34. [wen2zhi4]2, (1) v.t., as in 致成獄 to frame up a person by legal experts; (2) ([wen2zhi0]) n., literary charm, artistic beauty.
35. [wen2zhi2], n., civilian post.
36. [wen2jU4], n., stationery.
37. [wen2ke1], n., college or department of arts.
38. [wen2ku4], n., (1) a library; (2) a publisher's collection or “library” of books.
39. [wen2er0], n., style of writing.
40. [wen2li3], n., order and organization of composition, line of thought in writing: 理密察 (AC, LL) cogent, lucid piece of writing.
41. [wen2lin2], n., literary world or circle.
42. [wen2ma3], n., piebald or checkered horse.
43. [wen2mang2], n., an illiterate.
44. [wen2mao4], n., refined appearance.
45. [wen2mian4], n., tattoo.
46. [wen2miao4], n., Confucian temple.
47. [wen2ming2]1, n., literary fame.
48. [wen2ming2]2, (1) n., civilization; (2) adj., (a) civilized, opp. 野蠻 savage; adj., (b) modern or modern-style: 明結婚 modern wedding, also marriage by the young people's choice; 明戲 modern play; 明棍兒 a walking stick.
49. [wen2mo4]1, adj., (AC, according to one interpretation) hardworking, industrious (related 密勿,黽勉).
50. [wen2mo4]2 ([wen2mo0]), n., (1) writing activities; (2) writing style.
51. [wen2mo2], n., bookworm; literary magic.
52. [wen2niao3], n., (zoo.) a small bird, Munia oryzivora.
53. [wen2pei4], n., see [wen2sheng1]↓.
54. [wen2ping2] ([wen2ping0]), n., diploma.
55. [wen2ren2], n., (1) a writer; (2) a civilian, opp. 武人 military man.
56. [wen2ruo4], adj., effeminate, physically weak: 弱書生 a frail scholar.
57. [wen2shen1], n., tattoo.
58. [wen2sheng1], n., formerly, a student, one of the scholar class.
59. [wen2xi1], n., lined rhinoceros horn.
60. [wen2xian4], n., literary or historical data (of country, period); documents pertaining to period; a country's political and cultural systems, institutions.
61. [wen2xi4], n., a theater show without acrobatics.
62. [wen2xiu4], n., (AC) silk dress.
63. [wen2shu1], n., (1) official correspondence, despatch; (2) secretariat, secretary.
64. [wen2shi4], n., a scholar, a literary man.
65. 飾 *[wen4shi4], v.t., to whitewash (faults), see [wen4guo4]↑.
66. [wen2shi2], n., name for agate.
67. [wen2xUan3], n., selected works, esp. 昭明選 a wellknown selection noted for essays of florid style of early centuries A.D.
68. [wen2xUan1], n., (LL) your beautiful carriage, your movements.
69. [wen2xUe2], n., literature; person's literary cultivation.
70. [wen2sun1], n., (AC) your grandson.
71. [wen2si1], n., the flow of thoughts and ideas in a piece of writing.
72. [wen2tan2], n., literary world or circles; literary forum.
73. [wen2ti3], n., literary style; literary form.
74. [wen2cai3], n., beauty of appearance (of person), beauty of style of writing.
75. [wen2cai2] ([wen2cai0]), n., literary talent.
76. [wen2ci2], n., vocabulary and style.
77. [wen2zao3], n., decorative embellishments of writing.
78. [wen2zong1], n., acclaimed first writer (of period, place).
79. [wen2zi4], n., (1) written language of a country; (2) choice of words in writing: 字獄 prosecution of writers on account of literary offence to ruler.
80. [wen2wang3], n., the long arm of the law.
81. [wen2wu4], n., cultural objects and institutions (of period, country).
82. [wen2wu3], adj., both literary and military, see Adj. 2↑.
83. [wen2ya3], adj., refined, not coarse.
84. [wen2yan2], n., the literary language (LL), i.e., language developed through classical patterns, not “sayable,” and used exclusively in writing; n., opp. 白話 [bai2hua4] or vernacular style of writing.
85. 鰩魚 [wen2yao2yU2], n., the flying fish (also called 飛魚).
86. [wen2yi4]1, n., literary content; thought or ideas expressed in writing.
87. [wen2yi4]2, n., (1) literature and the arts; (2) the literary craft: 藝界 literary and artistic circle.
88. [wen2yin1], n., (AC) tiger skins as cart mattress.
89. [wen2yUan4], n., the literary field (lit., “garden”).
90. [wen2yUn4], n., (1) success in literature or writing; (2) gen. literary movement or tendency.
91. [wen2yU2], n., (various interpretations including): goldfish, carp, flying fish ([wen2yao2yU2]↑).





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