释义 |
敲敲 | 883A15 60S.82-2 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄑㄧㄠ [qiao1] | N. | (AC) a truncheon: 敲朴以鞭笞天下 (fig.) lash the people with a truncheon.
| V.t. | (1) To knock, tap (at door), beat (drum, gong): 敲更 to sound night watch with a clapper; 敲木魚 to beat the wooden fish (about 6-10 ft. long) serving like bells at Budd. temples; 敲鑼鼓 beat drums and gongs (as at theatricals); 敲鑼邊兒,敲邊鼓 to egg s.o. on by lending him moral support, to instigate crowds for political support; 敲門磚 any means to find favor with influential persons, (lit.) "stone for knocking at gate"--open sesame to success, esp. at civil examinations; 敲棋()子,敲枰 to tap a chessman noisily on the table; 敲金戛石 make metallic sounds, (of sonorous composition that) rings in the ears. (2) (Fig.) to tap to find out, to prod into: 推敲 make careful choice of words, conjecture, deduce (meaning of words, statements); 旁敲側擊 make oblique references to, to make innuendos, take shots at, instead of making frontal attack. (3) To swindle, blackmail: 敲詐 [qiao1zha4]↓; 敲他一筆 obtain money by foul means, blackmail or swindle; 敲竹槓 to sponge on person, to obtain money, free meal, gift, etc.; 你不能這樣敲法 you want (some money, free meal, help) but shouldn't do it this way; 敲人 to swindle a person; 敲鏝兒 (MC), see 敲竹槓↑.
| Words | 1. 敲打 [qiao1da0], v.i. & t., (1) to beat up, strike; (2) to beat drums and gongs during festivities; (3) (AC) to provoke by words. 2. 敲點 [qiao1dian3], v.t., as in (MC) 用言語敲點他 prod him with words. 3. 敲詐 [qiao1zha4], v.i. & t., to blackmail. 4. 敲(兒)撩(兒) [qiao1]([er0])[liao1]([er0]), adv., as in 敲(兒)撩(兒)罵人, criticise person by all sorts of innuendos, to needle person, to prod. 5. 敲詩 [qiao1shi1], n., a poetic riddle, as a literary game.