释义 |
敗敗 | 678C40 41C.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄅㄞˋ [bai4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To fail, usu. 失敗:事情,計劃失敗了. (2) (AC) to defeat: 敗秦師 defeated the [qin2] army; (modn.) 把敵打敗 defeat the enemy, also 擊敗. (3) To break (alliance, treaty 敗盟,敗約). (4) To spoil (good name of family 敗家風).
| Adj. | (1) Defeated: 敗兵,敗軍 defeated troops; 打敗仗 defeated in battle; 敗不成軍 army is completely routed. (2) Spoiled, broken-down: 敗家子弟 children of broken-down family or children who ruin the family; 敗葉,草 withered leaves, grass; 敗絮 old cotton wool as stuffing for quilts; 敗柳殘花 prostitutes no longer young, hags or women no longer pure; 敗肉 bad flesh, like gangrene; 敗血病 [bai4xUe4bing4]↓.
| Words | 1. 敗北 [bai4bei3], v.i., be defeated. 2. 敗筆 [bai4bi3], n., a bad stroke in callig., a flaw in writing. 3. 敗群(之馬) [bai4qUn2], (=害群) n., one whose conduct hurts the whole group (like “scab” in labor union). 4. 敗道 [bai4dao4], adj., one who fails in discipline to become Taoist immortal. 5. 敗德 [bai4de2], n., atrocious behavior, licentious character. 6. 敗壞 [bai4huai4], v.i. & t., to spoil, destroy, corrupt; v.i. & t., p.p., corrupt, spoiled: 敗壞門楣 to shame the name of the house (門楣 lintel). 7. 敗火 [bai4huo3], adj., (of medicine which) brings down fever. 8. 敗績 [bai4ji1], v.i., (LL) suffers defeat. 9. 敗家子(兒) [bai4jia1zi3] (bai4jia1tzel), n., black sheep of the family. 10. 敗醬 [bai4jiang4], n., (bot.) Patrinia scabiosaefolia, with edible stem, so named because it smells like spoiled sauce, also called 苦菜 (“bitter vegetable”). 11. 敗類 [bai4lei4], n., the bad elements of a class or group; a shameless lout. 12. 敗露 [bai4lu4], v.i., (of secret plan) leak out. 13. 敗落 [bai4luo4], v.i., fail, become poor, (of flower) wither. 14. 敗 [bai4nU4], v.i., (LL) be defeated in war. 15. 敗興 [bai4xing4], v.i., feel disappointed, frustrated; crestfallen. 16. 敗訴 [bai4shu4], n. & v.i., lose, loss in lawsuit. 17. 敗血病 [bai4xUe4bing4], n., (med.) blood infection (septicemia). 18. 敗歲 [bai4sui4], n., year of bad crops. 19. 敗財 [bai4cai2], phr., (foretunetelling) destined to lose money. 20. 敗挫 [bai4cuo4], p.p., routed. 21. 敗退 [bai4tui4], v.i., be defeated and flee. 22. 敗子 [bai4zi3], n., prodigal son: 敗子悔改 prodigal son's repentance; 敗子回頭 return of prodigal son.