释义 |
攻攻 | 530C20 31S.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄍㄨㄥ [gong1] | V.t. | (1) To attack, assault: 進攻 take the offensive; 攻擊 [gong1ji0]↓; 攻伐 invade; 攻打 strike against; 猛攻 to storm (a city, fortification, etc.); 攻守同盟 military alliance for mutual defense; 攻下 take (a city) by assault; 久攻不下 fail to take (a city) after a long siege; 攻剽 to pillage; 攻城 lay siege to a city; 攻堅 attack a strong point of enemy; 攻佔 attack and occupy; 攻克 overrun, conquer; 圍攻 lay siege to; 反攻 to counterattack. (2) Find fault with (s.o.), criticize, rebuke: 攻訐 [gong1jie2]↓; 鳴鼓而攻之 attack s.o. publicly and severely by concerted action; 攻人之過 pick on s.o. (3) To study, specialize in: 攻讀 [gong1du2], 攻書 [gong1shu1]↓; 專攻醫學 to major in medicine.
| Words | 1. 攻讀 [gong1du2], v.t., to study, learn: 攻讀博士學位 to work for a doctorate. 2. 攻訐 [gong1jie2], v.t., to censure, flay (s.o.) 3. 攻擊 [gong1ji0], v.t., (1) mount an attack, assault; (2) to criticise, reprove, reprach, attack verbally. 4. 攻書 [gong1shu1], v.i., devote oneself to reading. 5. 攻勢 [gong1shi4], n., military offensive (opp. 守勢 defensive): 採取功勢 to mount an offensive. 6. 攻錯 [gong1cuo4], v.i., learn by other's mistakes.