释义 |
改改 | 803C10 52S.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄍㄞˇ [gai3] | N. | A surname.
| V.t. | To change, reform, remodel, transform, correct: 改變 [gai3bian4], 改革 [gai3ge2], 改換 [gai3huan4], 改進 [gai3jin4]↓; 改了脾氣 (of an ill-tempered person) become good-tempered; 改了念頭 change one's mind; 改頭換面 make only superficial changes: 改弦更張 cut loose from the past and make a new start; 改弦易轍 (of conduct, politics, etc.) strike out a new path; 改邪歸正 give up an evil way of life and reform; 痛改前非 repent of one's former sins; 改土歸流 (of aboriginal chieftains) come under Chin. jurisdiction; 批改 (of students’ papers, etc.) comment on and correct; 刪改 (of manuscripts, compositions) amend and correct; 改作業 read students’ homework; 改文章 correct a literary essay; 改河道 change river course.
| Adj. | Other than the current one: 改日(天),改歲,改次 another day, year, time; 改頓再吃 reserve (s.t.) for another meal.
| Words | 1. 改變 [gai3bian4], v.i. & t., to change, (rules, schedule, fashion, voice, attitude, etc.): 改變過來 change over. 2. 改編 [gai3bian1], v.t., (1) reorganize: 改編軍隊 regroup troops into new units; (2) (of literary works) revise and rewrite. 3. 改期 [gai3qi2], v.t., postpone to a later date. 4. 改革 [gai3ge2], n., & v.t., (to institute) reforms. 5. 改觀 [gai3guan1], v.i., to present a new look. 6. 改過 [gai3guo4], v.i., repent: 改過自新 repent and reform; 改過遷善 repent and be good. 7. 改行 [gai3hang2], v.i., change to new occupation. 8. 改換 [gai3huan4], v.t., to exchange or substitute one for another, make changes in (words, titles, fashions, etc.). 9. 改正 [gai3zheng4], v.t., correct (errors). 10. 改轍 [gai3zhe2], v.i., to change one's course of action. 11. 改嫁 [gai3jia4], v.i., (of widow) remarry. 12. 改醮 [gai3jiao4], v.i., (of widow) remarry. 13. 改節 [gai3jie2], v.i., to change one's course of conduct, switch loyalty (to new ruler). 14. 改進 [gai3jin4], v.t., to improve (upon), make improvements in. 15. 改裝 [gai3zhuang1], v.i., (1) change into another kind of dress, disguise; (2) (of building) remodel; (of industrial product) put in new containers. 16. 改口 [gai2kou3], v.i., (改口供) give a different story or affidavit. 17. 改良 [gai3liang2], v.t., improve, reform. 18. 改日 [gai3ri4], adv., another (later) day. 19. 改善 [gai3shan4], v.t., improve (method, treatment). 20. 改選 [gai2xUan3], n. & v.i., (hold) a new election of elected officers. 21. 改削 [gai3xUe4], v.t., expunge and correct. 22. 改天 [gai3tian1], adv., some other day, later: 改天來 come later. 23. 改竄 [gai3cuan4], v.t., (secretly) change wording (of text). 24. 改塗 [gai3tu2]1, v.i., change one's course of action (also wr. 途). 25. 改圖 [gai3tu2]2, v.i., change plans. 26. 改造 [gai3zao4], v.t., (1) (of building, etc.) remodel; (2) to reform. 27. 改嘴 [gai2zui3], v.i., (=改口↑). 28. 改組 [gai2zu3], v.t., (of a cabinet, group, etc.) reshuffle, reorganize. 29. 改樣 [gai3yang4], v.i. & t., (1) refashion, remold; (2) (person) change manner. 30. 改易 [gai3yi4], v.t., to change, transform. 31. 改元 [gai3yUan2], v.i., adopt a new year-title of an emperor's reign.