释义 |
擊擊 | 4A35 10.00 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄐㄧˊ [ji2] | V.t. | (1) To strike, hit: 擊罐 to beat a drinking cup and sing; 擊柝 (of night watchmen) beat the rattle and go the rounds; 擊楫 to vow to bring peace to the country (allu. to the story of 祖逖); 擊築 to strike the strings of an ancient lute; 擊鼓 to strike a drum; 擊缽催詩 celebration of festive occasions by poets writing poems within set time limits; 拳擊 boxing; 敲擊 to pound, to hammer; 打擊 to beat, to strike a heavy blow; 重重一擊 give (s.o.) a pounding; 棒擊 hit with a stick or club; 技擊 to fence; 搏擊 to wrestle, engage in hand-fight scuffle; 槍擊 to shoot; 轟擊 bombard with guns or from the air, (fig.) criticize severely; 擊沈 to bombard and sink (a ship); 擊落敵機 to down an enemy plane; 擊節 [ji2jie2]; 擊賞 [ji2shang3]↓. (2) To combat, to fight: 攻擊 to attack, also attack, criticize in writing; 游擊 to wage guerrilla warfare; 打游擊 (now also)sponge meals on friends; 游擊戰爭 guerrilla warfare; 突擊 mount a sudden attack; 襲擊 make a surprise raid; 擊敗 defeat; 聲東擊西 feign attack on the east and strike on the west. (3) Come in contact with: 目擊 see with one's own eyes.
| Words | 1. 擊節 [ji2jie2], v.i. & t., as in 擊節稱賞 to clap and applaud. 2. 擊賞 [ji2shang3], v.t., ditto. 3. 擊刺 [ji2ci4], v.t., (1) stab with a sword; (2) (of troops) fight with swords and spears.