释义 |
撫撫 | 85A05 10A.63-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄈㄨˇ [fu3] | N. | (1) Pacification: 勦撫兼施 quash revolts both by force and pacification measures. (2) Part of title of governor in Mirng and Manchu times: 督撫,巡撫 military governor (cf. 總督 civil governor), hence 撫臺,撫院,撫軍 as term of address.
| V.t. | (1) To fondle, stroke, to touch lovingly: 撫琴,撫劍 touch string instrument, stroke sword; 撫掌 clasp hand; 撫躬自問 (LL) examine one's own conscience; 撫棺大哭 weep. with hand stroking coffin; 撫孤松 fondle a lone pine tree; 撫今追昔 evoke memories of the past while living in the present. (2) Touch with the idea of comforting, soothe by hand: 撫孤 embrace or nurse orphan; to foster, bring up to maturity, see 撫養,撫育[fu3yang3], [fu3yU4]↓; to soothe, comfort; 撫慰,撫卹 [fu3wei4], [fu3xU4]↓. (3) To pacify: 撫綏,撫靖,安撫 pacify a country by justice.
| Words | 1. 撫摩 [fu3mo2], v.t., fondle (baby, object of art). 2. 撫卹 [fu3xU4], v.t., comfort the bereaved; vt., 撫卹金 fund for relief of family of deceased. 3. 撫綏 [fu3sui1], v.t., bring peace and justice to country. 4. 撫慰 [fu3wei4], v.t., to comfort (person in trouble). 5. 撫養 [fu3yang3], 撫育 [fu3yU4], v.t., bring to maturity, esp. orphan: 撫育成人.