释义 |
摹摹 | 246C50 20A.00-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄇㄛˊ [mo2] (*ㄇㄜˋ [me4] ). [Interch.模 esp. in artistic work] | V.t. | To copy; consciously imitate: 臨摹 copy ancient painting, calligraphy, inscription 51S.40; 摹古 make copy of antique art; 摹刻 copy antique version; 摹寫 copy ancient calligraphy; 摹擬 consciously imitate.
| Words | 1. 摹本 [mo2ben3], n., (1) wood-block copy made after ancient wood block; (2) (*[me4ben3]) name of silk fabric. 2. 摹印 [mo2yin4], n., a seal-script style after Chirn Dyn. models.