释义 |
摩摩 | 886C10 61.00-1 | 部居
| 畫數 15 | ㄇㄛˊ [mo2] . [Dist.磨 61.40] | V.i. | (1) Rub, fondle: 玩摩 fondle and study constantly (jade, art objects, meaning of text); 撫摩 touch or fondle lovingly (art bjects, forehead, etc.); 摩拳擦掌 "rub hands," clench fists in preparation for fight or hard work; 摩頂放踵 (AC) wear oneself out from head to foot (to help others). (2) Grind (cf. 磨 61.40): 摩厲以須 (AC) sharpen weapon to be ready for fight. (3) Learn from long and constant study: 觀摩 watch and study, observe and learn; 揣摩 find out (s.o.'s thinking), see 10A.42.
| Adv. | (MC 10th cen. dial. word) not, =沒,無:歸摩歸,來摩來 have returned or not, have come or not.
| Words | 1. 摩盪 [mo2dang4], v.i., & adj., (of air, atmosphere) be agitated; (of painting, art work) agitating, -ed and alive. 2. 摩登 [mo2deng1], adj., (translit.) modern: 摩登女郎 n., modern (-styled) girl. 3. 摩練 [mo2lian4], v.i., learn, become strong, mature from experience (of skill, talent). 4. 摩弄 [mo2nong4], v.i. & t., fondle, play with, acquire familiarity. 5. 摩 [mo2suo1], (also pr. ma'sa), v.t., fondle (child). 6. 摩天屋 [mo2tian1wu1], n., skyscraper. 7. 摩擦 [mo2ca1], n. & v.i., (cause) friction (physical or mental); rub together; 摩擦力 (phys.) friction; 摩擦系數 (phys.) coefficient of friction; 摩擦音 (phonetics) fricatives. 8. 摩托 [mo2tuo1], n., motor: 摩托車 motor car; now also motorcycle.