释义 |
摧摧 | 56A10 10A.11-2 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄘㄨㄟ [cui1] . [Dist.推 10A.11,催 91A.11] | V.t.1 | To smash, destroy: 摧枯拉朽 smash (enemy) easily like breaking dry branches:摧殘,摧陷,摧毀 [cui1can2], [cui1xian4], [cui1hui3]↓.
| Words | 1. 摧毀 [cui1hui3], v.t., to destroy, smash to pieces, wreck (buildings, enemy power,etc.). 2. 摧陷 [cui1xian4], v.t., destroy (enemy city, army): 摧陷廓清 exterminate, destroy, uproot entirely (evil systems) and clear the ground. 3. 摧殘 [cui1can2], v.t., to trample down (life, ideas), tyrannize over, destroy wantonly. 4. 摧頹 [cui1tui2], v.i., (1) to falter (=蹉跎 40B.30); (2) to decay.