释义 |
摘摘 | 80B45 10A.42-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄓㄜˊ [zhe2] (sp. pr.*ㄓㄞ [zhai1] ). | V.t. | (1) To pick (flowers, fruit) with hand, to take down: 摘下來 pick off (flowers); 摘帽 to take off hat; 摘招牌 “take down shop's signboard”--greatly damage reputation; 摘紗帽,摘頂戴 deprive official of rank (used like “defrock”a priest); 摘印 to take away the official seal--deprive of post. (2) To select, make excerpt extract: 文摘 a digest, collection of selected articles; 摘錄,摘要,摘由,摘選 [zhe2lu4], [zhe2yao4], [zhe2you2], [zhe2xUan3]↓. (3) (Re. pr. only) to point out, specify (mistakes): 指摘 point out (mistakes); 摘發 make charges (of crimes). (4) (Sp.pr.only) to borrow: 摘借[zhe2jie4]↓.
| Words | 1. 摘借 *[zhai1jie4], v.t., to borrow from various sources. 2. 摘錄 [zhe2lu4], v.t. & n., to record excerpts (of speech, etc.). 3. 摘選 *[zhai2xUan3] ([zhe2xUan3]), v.t. & n., (to make) selections. 4. 摘要 [zhe2yao4], n. & v.t., digest (of book, articles). 5. 摘由(兒) [zhe2you2]([er0]), n., a resume or digest of offical communication prepared for superior.