释义 |
搾搾 | 64B40 10A.22-6 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄓㄚˋ [zha4] . [Var.榨] | V.i. & t. | (1) To squeeze (tax, money): 搾取 [zha4qU3]↓. (2) To press (wine, juice): 壓搾 to press (juice), also to squeeze (money) by pressure, to oppress (people).
| Words | 1. 搾床 [zha4chuang2], n., wine press, oil press and the like. 2. 搾取 [zha4qU3], v.t., to obtain (money) by political pressure, or tyranny. 3. 搾菜 [zha4cai4], n., a kind of pickled vegetable root, much used for flavoring.