释义 |
搭搭 | 70B40 10A.40-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄉㄚ [da1] | N.1 adjunct. | (MC) 三五搭人家 three or four houses.
| N. | Linking stroke in same character or adjacent characters in calligraphy.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To put up, put together: 搭棚,戲臺,浮橋 put up a shed, a temporary theatrical stage, a pontoon bridge; 搭彩 put up festoons; see 搭架子 [da1jia4zi0]↓. (2) To join up , attach to : 搭幫,搭夥,搭伴 travel with others in same vehicle, esp. 搭船,搭車 go aboard a boat, a car, thus 搭客 (be) a passenger; 搭姘頭 (and dial. 搭夥計) man and woman live together without marriage; 張弓搭箭 attach arrow to bow; 衣服搭在竹竿上 hang laundry on bamboo pole; 牽搭,勾搭 to induce attachment to ,work in collusion with s.o.; 搭朋友 attach or attract s.o. as friend; 搭錯線 (Cantonese phr.) cross wire, wrong number (in telephoning). (3) To make certain gestures: 搭把手, 搭架子 [da1ba2shou3], [da1jia4zi0]↓. (4) To copulate: 搭配 ditto.
| Words | 1. 搭把手 [da1ba2shou3], phr., as in 請您搭把手兒,幫我一下please give me a hand. 2. 搭包 [da1bao0], n., waistband outside jacket, used for carrying things (also wr. 褡包 63C.40). 3. 搭膊 [da1bo0], n., (MC) see [da1bao0]↑. 4. 搭補 [da1bu3], v.t., to make up what is needed or missing. 5. 搭搭腳 [da1da1jiao3], v.i., (1) to rest one's feet; (2) [da1jiao3er0]↓. 6. 搭話 [da1hua4], v.i., strike up a conversation with s.o.. 7. 搭夥 [da1huo3], v.i., travel with others; join up with party. 8. 搭著 [da1zhe0], phr., in addition: 搭著他老子逼他念書 besides, his father forced him to study. 9. 搭架子 [da1jia4zi0], v.i., (fig.) put on airs; (lit.) put up scaffolding. 10. 搭腳兒 [da1jiao3er0], v.i., take vehicle to rest one's legs. 11. 搭街坊 [da1jie1fang0], v.i., be neighbors. 12. 搭界 [da1jie4], v.i., be adjacent. 13. 搭救 [da1jiu4], v.t., to rescue (s.o. in distress). 14. 搭住 [da1zhu4], v.i., take up lodging: 和人搭住 share house with s.o. 15. 搭桌 [da1zhuo1], v.i., (formerly of theatrical troupe) give performance for relief. 16. 搭拉 [da1la0], v.i., hang down: 搭拉下來; 搭拉尾巴 [da1la0yi3ba0], hang tail (of dog); 搭拉貨 [da1la0huo4], bad or damaged goods (also wr. 耷拉). 17. 搭撒 [da1sa1], v.i., (eyelids) droop. 18. 搭訕著 [da1shan4zhe0], adv., (reply, leave) in a listless or embarrassed manner. 19. 搭手 [da1shou3], n., tumor around shouler blades; accomplice in swindle, gambling, etc. 20. 搭載 [da1zai4], v.i., go on boat or car as additional passenger.