释义 |
搬搬 | 103B10 10A.82-9 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄅㄢ [ban1] | V.i. & t. | Move (furniture, luggage): 搬家 move to another house; 搬出去 take away (usu. heavy object); 搬到那裡去 where are you moving or taking (the things) to? 搬來搬去 move back and forth; 搬磚砸腳 phr., one’s own doing (drop brick on one's own foot); 搬弄是非 phr., carry tales.
| Words | 1. 搬不倒兒 [ban1bu0dao3er0], n., doll that always rights itself up= 不倒翁. 2. 搬場 [ban1chang2], n. & v.i., house removal. 3. 搬指兒 [ban1zhe0er0], n., heavy finger ring, orig. for protection of archer's finger. 4. 搬配 [ban1pei4], adj., be well-matched in marriage (also wr. 般配,班配). 5. 搬子 [ban1zi0], n., bottle opener; a wrench. 6. 搬演 [ban1yan3], v.t., =扮演 10A.50. 7. 搬運 [ban1yUn4], n. & v.t., transport (goods, luggage); 搬運費 [ban1yUn4fei4], transportation charges.