

ㄊㄧˊ [ti2 (*ㄉㄧ [di1).
V.t.(1)  To carry or lift by the hand, lift up: 起來 lift up by hand;
開 take (s.t.) away, put aside;
不動 cannot lift it;
菜籃,燈籠 carry basket, lantern;
高,掇,攜,拔,[ti2gao1], [ti2duo4], [ti2xi1], [ti2ba2], [ti2sheng1]↓;
筆 take up pen (and write);
款,項 draw out money;
鞋 pull on shoes;
腕 write with wrist not touching desk;
心吊膽 breathless with fear, worry;
心在口 have one’s heart in one's mouth (exactly as in English);
手躡腳的走 walk on tiptoe;
面命 (of teacher, parent) give personal advice constantly (耳=pulling ear);
綱挈領 give main outline (of facts, principles).
(2)  To mention, bring up for discussion, refer to: usu. 起,到,出,及;
起這件事 mention this affair;
出條件 state conditions (for peace, etc.);
出意見 express one's opinion, ideas;
出證據 bring forth proofs;
出訴訟 bring suit to court;
了,不要起 don't bring this up;
到這件事 refer to this matter;
到我沒有 did he mention me?
(3)  Guide, promote, lead: 攜,拔 promote, see [ti2xi1], [ti2ba2]↓;
率軍隊 lead troops;
倡,調 [ti2chang4], [ti2diao4]↓.
(4)  Extract: 取 extract (oil,etc.);
煉,淨,[ti2lian4], [ti2jing4], [ti2jU3]↓.
(5)  Of law action, bring out and bring to court: 解,押 send over, deliver (convict);
送 send over;
審,問,究,質 bring out accused and cross-examine in court.
Words1. [ti2an4], n., proposition, resolution to be discussed.
2. [ti2ba2], v.t., (1) specially promote to office, promote as a special consideration; (2) ([ti2ba0]) (coll.) remind: 如我忘了,請拔我一聲 please remind me in case I forget (=[ti2xing3]↓).
3. [ti2bao1], n., handbag.
4. [ti2bo2], v.t., to appropriate.
5. [ti2bu3], v.t., select and fill (post).
6. [ti2chang4], v.i. & n., promote, sponsor (new movement, styles, physical culture, etc.); promotion.
7. [ti2cheng2], v.i., take a percentage.
8. [ti2qian2], v.t., advance in date; adv., ahead: 前考試 take examination ahead of schedule; v.i., as in 前清償 payment in advance.
9. [ti2qie4], v.t., help, lead, guide, see [ti2xi1]↓.
10. [ti2qi3], v.t., (1) mention, bring up: 別再起這件事 don't bring this up again, see [ti2chu1]↓; (2) 起精神 put forth more energy, refresh one's mind; (3) 起公訴 to initiate public prosecution.
11. [ti2qin1], v.i., bring up proposal of marriage.
12. [ti2qin2], n., violin (小琴); 中琴 viola; 大琴 cello; 低音琴 double bass.
13. [ti2chu1], v.t., propose, bring up: 出意見,問題,議案,訴訟,條件 bring up idea, question, resolution, lawsuit, condition, etc.
14. [ti2qU3], v.t., extract (oil, etc.); v.t.,come specially to bring (certain article); v.t., draw (money) from bank.
15. [ti2dai4], n., handbag.
16. [ti2dan1], n., bill of lading, invoice.
17. [ti2dao4], v.t., mention, refer to.
18. 燈會 [ti2deng1hui4], n., lantern festival.
19. [ti2dian3], v.i., remind.
20. 調 [ti2diao4], v.t., supervise (troops); select, appoint, and assign (officers, troops).
21. [ti2du1], n., former title of provincial commander in chief (水師督, etc.).
22. [ti2duo4], v.t., to help (younger people) by guidance, promotion, see [ti2ba2]↑, [ti2xi1]↓.
23. [ti2fang2] (*[di1fang0]), v.t., guard against (enemy, attack, flood, infiltration, etc.).
24. [ti2gao1], v.t., elevate (standard), increase (attention, cautionary measures), heighten: 高警覺 heighten vigilance.
25. [ti2gong1], v.t., contribute: 供節目 “program is brought to you by.”
26. 盒(兒) [ti2he2]([er0]), n., carrying case (for food, presents).
27. 貨單 [ti2huo4dan1], n., invoice for taking delivery; 貨摺 passbook for taking delivery.
28. [ti2hu2], (1) n., name of bird; (2) v.i., to carry wine pot.
29. [ti2jing4], v.t., refine (oil, extract).
30. [ti2ji2], v.t., mention, refer to.
31. [ti2jU3], v.t., promote (person).
32. [ti2kuan3], v.t., withdraw money from bank.
33. 籃(兒) [ti2lan2] ([ti2la2er0]), n., a light basket (for vegetables, etc.).
34. [ti2lian4], v.t., refine, extract (oil, chemical from ores).
35. 梁(兒) [ti2liang2]([er0]), n., part (bridge, handle) used for lifting (cover, basket).
36. 溜 *[di1liu1], v.t., carry lightly in hand or with fingers: 留著心 make one uneasy.
37. [ti2ming2], v.t., nominate (person for election, appointment).
38. 偶戲 [ti2ou3xi4], n., marionette usu. called 傀儡戲 [kui2lei3xi4].
39. [ti2piao4], n., warrant for arrest.
40. [ti2shen3], v.i., hold hearing at court.
41. [ti2she4], v.i., (Taoist) arouse, excite certain bodily energies.
42. [ti2sheng1], v.t., promote in rank.
43. [ti2shen2], v.i., refresh oneself; put on one's guard.
44. [ti2xi1]1, v.t., to guide and help (younger people).
45. [ti2xi1]2, v.t., (1) wake up, put on one's guard; (2) help and guide (the young), see [ti2qie4]↑.
46. [ti2xiang1], n., suitcase.
47. [ti2xing3], v.t., remind; alert (person) to danger.
48. [ti2shi4], v.t., point out, give advice (to younger people).
49. 學使 [ti2xUe2shi3], n., former commissioner of education.
50. [ti2su4], v.i., bring up lawsuit.
51. [ti2tang2], v.i., to bring to court.
52. [ti2ti2], adj., as in (AC) 好人 gentleman is poised and at ease; descriptive of flying.
53. 頭兒 [ti2tou2er0], v.i., (1) introductory remarks; (2) worth talking: 這個人沒個大頭兒 this man is not worth talking about.
54. [ti2yao4], n., resume, brief summary.
55. [ti2yi4], n., proposal, resolution brought for discussion.
56. [ti2yUn4], v.t. & n., transport, -tation.





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