

ㄊㄨㄟ [tui1
V.t.(1)  To push, push open, push down push on: 開 push away, 去 push out;
把他搡搡 ([sang3]) 到廊下 push and pull him to the corridor;
門 push door open;
車 push cart;
動 to propel, give impetus to;
動力 motivation force, force of propulsion;
順水舟 go with the current, take advantage of favorable trend;
波助瀾 follow and hasten movement of waves--to aggravate dispute by third party, add to quarrel;
陳出新 (biol.) assimilation, process of change, make renovations;
開天窗說亮話 talk frankly without hedging about (pun on 亮 meaning “clear”and “daylight”);
寒暑相 the seasonal changes hurry on.
(2)  Push away offer, or step back in favor of s.o. else: [tui1rang4]↓.
(3)  Push forward, promote, elect, recommend: 為第一 regard as No. 1;
他做首 choose him as leader;
賢與能 select the capable men and put them in power;
薦,舉,崇,[tui1jian4], [tui1jU3], [tui1chong2], [tui1xU3]↓.
(4)  Reject, make excuse, give as reason or pretext: 病不去 did not go on pretext of illness;
故 give as an excuse or reason.
(5)  Shake off, shirk, refuse: 卸,諉,託,[tui1xie4], [tui1wei3] ,[tui1tuo1], [tui1ci2]↓;
乾淨兒, 個一乾二淨 push all blame on others;
開責任 shake off all responsibility;
到別人身上 put the blame on others;
作 (為) 不知 pretend not to know;
三阻四, 去 make all sorts of excuses;
半就 (of woman) half refusing and half yeilding.
(6)  Trace origins, investigate, deduce, calculate: 原 trace origins;
究 (原因) investigate, study causes;
其故 find out the cause.
敲,[tui1qiao1], [tui1ce4]↓;
因一十 deduce ten from one;
以此類 and so on (one can deduce the rest from this);
己及人 “place yourself in another's place”--do unto others what you would do unto yourself;
心置腹 show the greatest consideration or confidence (treat s.o. as yourself).
(7)  Certain actions: 牌九 to play dominoes;
光 rub and polish (wood surface);
地板 polish floor.
Words1. 鉋(子) [tui1bao4]([zi0]), n., carpenter's plane.
2. [tui1bei4] n., Chin. massage; 背圖 the name of a pop. book of prophecy.
3. [tui1bu4], v.i., (LL) make astronomical calculations.
4. [tui1cheng2], phr., open one's heart to another, as sincere friend: 誠相與.
5. [tui1qiao1], v.t., try to find out, to fathom (meaning, cause).
6. [tui1qiu2], v.t., to reason out.
7. [tui1chong2], v.t., to worship, admire, acknowledge as leader.
8. [tui1qUe4], v.t., reject, shirk (responsibility).
9. [tui1dao3], v.t., (1) to overthrow; (2) to push down.
10. [tui1dang4], v.t,. procrastinate (also 拖宕)
11. [tui1dai4], v.t., acclaim as leader.
12. [tui1ding4], v.i., (1) predict outcome; (2) elect or nominate s.o. for office.
13. [tui1duan4], v.i., predict.
14. [tui1du4], v.i., conjecture.
15. [tui1en1], v.i., extend favors, kindness.
16. [tui1fan1], v.t., to overthrow (government, previous thiory).
17. [tui1fu2], v.t., admire, consider as better than oneself.
18. [tui1guang3], v.t., to extend, expand (area, sales, etc.).
19. [tui1gu4], v.i., give as reason or pretext.
20. [tui1gu3], v.t., recommend for high post.
21. [tui1jian4], v.t., to recommend (person).
22. [tui1jin4], v.t., to push forward , propel; 進機 propeller.
23. [tui1jiu4], v.i. & t., conjecture, figure out (reason, principles, etc.), make a careful study of.
24. [tui1zhong4], v.t., regard with respect, place importance upon (person).
25. [tui1jU3], v.t., to elect person to post; to recommend.
26. [tui1lei4](or 類 ) v.i., reason by analogy: 類至盡 push to logical extreme.
27. [tui1li3], v.i., to reason logically, study the reason.
28. [tui1lun4], n., conclusion; reasoning.
29. [tui1mo4], v.i., turn the grindstone; (fig.) pass the bucket, shirk duty.
30. [tui1na2], v.i. & n., (Chin. med.) a kind of massage, kneading and rubbing.
31. [tui1nian4], v.i., think of s.o. distant or past.
32. [tui1pai2], v.i., (MC) see [tui1qiao1]↑.
33. [tui1rang4], v.i., courteously ask s.o. to precede or take post.
34. [tui1xiang3], v.i., imagine, reckon (s.o. must have arrived, etc.).
35. [tui1xiao1], v.t., promote sales of; 銷員 salesman.
36. [tui1xie4], v.t., to evade, to shove off (duty etc.), be irresponsible.
37. [tui1xing2], v.t., promote (system, ideas), carry into effect (new laws, practices).
38. [tui1shi4], n., a judge.
39. [tui1xUan3], v.t., elect (person).
40. [tui1xU3], v.t., praise, esp. by s.o. above, commend favorably by superior.
41. [tui1suan4], v.i. & t., reckon (dates, etc.); predict (future).
42. [tui1ce4], v.i. & t., calculate, conjecture.
43. [tui1ci2], v.i. & t., decline (offer).
44. [tui1tuo1], v.i. & t., give reasons, excuses, for not doing.
45. [tui1wan3], v.t., (LL) recommend, urge forward (lit., “push and pull carriage”).
46. [tui1wei3], v.i. & t., shirk (responsibility).
47. [tui1wen4], v.i. & t., investigate, interrogate.
48. [tui1yan2], v.i., delay, procrastinate.
49. [tui1yi2], v.i., change or move round (as the seasons).
50. [tui1yUan2], v.i., find out reason, or cause.





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