释义 |
排排 | 62A35 10A.22-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄆㄞˊ [pai2] | N. | (1) Row: 第一,前,後排 first, front, back row; 一排一排的人 rows of people. (2) An army unit, platoon: 排長 [pai2zhang3]↓. (3) A volley, a string of shots, cartridges: 一排鎗,子彈.
| V.t. | (1) To set, arrange in order, in a row or formation: 排得緊 arrange closely; 並排 arrange alongside; 排列 [pai2lie4]↓; 排開 spread out ,also break off scuffle; 排起來 set up (objects) for show; 排著 arranged for show, showing in place; 安排 set in proper place; 排隊 form in line; 排隊遊行 parade; 排班 arrange teams for turns of work; 排陣 deploy troops; 排陣勢 in battle formation; 排龍 門陣 60S.70; 排飯,排桌子 set table; 排位 set seating order at table; 排(八)掛 arrange the eight diagrams; 排版 compose type; 排頭排尾 set or stand first ,last; 安 排 62.93. (2) To push out, dispel: 排悶 dispel boredom; 排除 to exclude, to push aside, to overcome; 排難解紛 mediate disputes; 排山倒海 overwhelm by hordes of troops (like crushing waves); 排沙 金 sift sand for gold, (fig.) sift minutely, also 披沙揀金; (3) To campaign against: 排外運動 anti-foreign movement; 排俄,排華 anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, etc.; 編排93B.42; (4) 排戲 -to cast, rehearse or present play.
| Words | 1. 排筆 [pai2bi3], n., a form of multiple brushes used in painting. 2. 排杈兒 [pai2cha4er0], n., a kind of latticework in window; a crisp, fluffy, eatable made of flour. 3. 排場 [pai2chang2], adj., impressive looking (of dress, feasts, gatherings). 4. 排球 [pai2qiu2], n., volleyball. 5. 排斥 [pai2chi4]1, v.t., to boycott, attack, discard, condemn (foreign goods, influence, school of thought). 6. 排翅 [pai2chi4]2, n., whole-piece sharks’ fin, as different from loose ends. 7. 排骨 [pai2gu3] ([pai2gu0]), n., pork ribs. 8. 排行 [pai2hang2], n., seniority among brothers, sisters: 排行第五 No.5. 9. 排長 [pai2zhang3], n., lieutenant. 10. 排解 [pai2jie3], v.t., mediate. 11. 排擠 [pai2ji3], v.t., team up against, boycott (goods), squeeze out (person). 12. 排列 [pai2lie4], v.t., arrange (objects, persons) in order. 13. 排律 [pai2lU4], n., a form of Tarng poetry, with at least three antithetical couplets (see 律 詩 91B.10). 14. 排門(兒) [pai2men2] ([pai2merer0]), adv., (sell) door to door. 15. 排比 [pai2pi3], v.t., to arrange in order (for comparison); to criticize (people, faults); n., (rhetoric) parallel construction. 16. 排簫 [pai2xiao1], n., a form of ancient panpipes. 17. 排洩(泄) [pai2xie4], v.t., excrete, let off (anger, excrement); 排洩物 n., excrement; 排洩器 n., stool, organ for draining fluid. 18. 排水量 [pai1shui3liang4], n., (of ships) displacement. 19. 排揎 [pai2xUan1], v.t., to make satirical remarks about (person), humiliate by scoffing. 20. 排闥而入 [pai2ta4er2ru4], phr., (LL) break into room unceremoniously. 21. 排子車 [pai2zi3che1], n., large handcart used for house removal.