释义 |
掐掐 | 60C50 10A.21-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧㄚ [qia1] . [Dist.搯 tau] | V.t. | (1) To gather with the hand (cogn. 夾 [jia2]): 把東西掐在一起 gather the things together with fingers; 把紙掐在一起 nip the papers together with paper nip; 把頭髮掐起來 gather up one's hair; 手裡掐著一把青菜 holding or grasping a bunch of vegetables in his hand. (2) To pinch, nip: 掐他一把 pinch (s.o.); 掐得好痛 give a painful pinch; 掐斷了 break off with hand; 掐花 break off a flower from stem; 掐頭去尾 to nip off unwanted parts (of vegetables, etc.). (3) To choke: 掐住了,掐喉嚨 to choke, be choked in the throat; 掐死了 choked to death. To bend fingers in counting: 掐算,掐指一算,掐弄 count by fingers.
| Words | 1. 掐把 [qia1ba1], v.t., to pinch, hurt by pinching; (fig.) to treat harshly. 2. 掐尖兒 [qia1jiaeer0], v.i., (1) to nip off young branches for better growth of plants; (2) 掐尖兒,掐尖落鈔 make illegal profit, nip off profits for oneself. 3. 掐訣 [qia1jUe2], v.i., (Taoist) to make finger gestures during incantations.