释义 |
亡亡 | 815B45 60.21 | 部居
 | 畫數 3 | ㄨㄤˊ [wang2] (*ㄨˊ [wu2] ). [Anc. var. ] | V.i.&t. | (1) To lose: 亡魂 lost one's soul, also (p.p.) soul of departed; 亡國 to lose a country, also (p.p.) a lost country; 亡羊補牢 mend the sheepfold after losing the sheep -- not too late to take future precautions. (2) To die: 死亡 ditto; 亡者 [wang2zhe3]↓; 陣亡 die in battle; 滅亡 (country) be destroyed; 未亡人 widow (in self-reference), one who is unable to die yet. (3) To flee, escape: 逃亡,出亡,流亡 to flee, live in exile; 亡酒 (AC) escaped drinking, excused from drinking.
| Adj. | (1) (As p.p.) lost, deceased, destroyed, see Vb 1 & 2↑; 亡兄,亡弟 my deceased elder, younger, brother; 亡父,亡母,亡妻 deceased father, mother, wife, etc. (2) (*[wu2]=無) no, not a: 亡何,亡狀,亡賴 [wang2he2], [wang2zhuang4], [wang2lai4]↓; see 無 92.63 for other compp.
| Words | 1. 亡故 [wang2gu4], adj., deceased, past. 2. 亡國 [wang2guo2], n., a destroyed country: 亡國奴 (abuse) “a slave without a country”; 亡國之音 effeminate, sentimental music, without manly strength. 3. 亡何 *[wu2he2], adv., very soon, not long afterwards. 4. 亡化 [wang2hua4], v. i., (MC) die, pass away. 5. 亡者 [wang2zhe3], n., the dead, also the missing in battle. 6. 亡狀 *[wu2zhuang4], adj., (court. of oneself) it was very rude or presumptuous of me. 7. 亡賴 *[wu2lai4], n., a ne'er-do-well. 8. 亡慮 *[wu2lU4], adv., see 無慮 92.63. 9. 亡命 [wang2ming4], v. i., live in exile: 亡命之徒 refugees from justice. 10. 亡奈 *[wu2nai4], adv., unfortunately, against one's wish, see 無奈 92.63.