释义 |
掉掉 | 52C40 10A.10-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄉㄧㄠˋ [diao4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To turn about, turn sideways, wag: 掉過來 turn over or around; 掉背臉兒 turn face away; 掉頭 shake or turn one's head; 掉頭不顧 turn away and leave; 掉臂而去 part hands and separate; 掉尾巴 wag tail; 尾大不掉 litr. phr., tail is wagging the dog. (2) To change from one to another: 掉手 change hands; 掉腳 change shoes from foot to foot; 掉車頭 change locomotive, or direction of; 掉換,掉包 [diao4huan4], [diao4bao1]↓. (3) To drop down, to lose: 掉下來 drop down; 掉色 lose color, fade; 掉魂兒 (coll.) lose one's wits; 掉價兒 decrease in price, value or prestige. (4) To play or show off for effect: 掉槍花 play tricks or make moves to deceive; 掉書袋 “shake book bag”-to fill writing with quotations, just to parade learning; 掉文舞墨 write showy style; 掉舌頭 talk garrulously; 掉歪 [diao4wai1]↓.
| V.b.Complement. | Off, signifying loss: 丟掉,失掉 lose; 吃掉,殺掉 eat off, kill off; 賣不掉 cannot sell off, dispose of in trade.
| Words | 1. 掉包 [diao4bao1], v.i., replace s.t. valuable with a worthless one. 2. 掉換 [diao4huan4], v.i. & t., exchange, change one for another: 掉換地位 change places. 3. 掉舌 [diao4she2], v.i., chatter, stir up ill will between others by loose gossip. 4. 掉歪 [diao4wai1], adj., naughty, mischievous.