释义 |
捯捯 | 44C25 10A.00-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄉㄠˊ [dao2] . [Dist.倒 91A.00] | V.t. | Pick up thread: 這案子已捯出點頭緒來 have found certain clues in this case; 捯線 draw in thread in flying kite.
| Words | 1. 捯氣(兒) [dao2qi4] ([dao2qie4er0]), v.i., talk garrulously; feel short of breath. 2. 捯飭 [dao2chi0], v.i., (of woman) touch up appearance: 捯飭捯飭 doll up a little.