释义 |
振振 | 51B20 10A.02-5 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄓㄣˋ [zhen4] (*ㄓㄣ [zhen1] ). | V.i. & t. | (1) To rise, move up, move to action: 振作,振興 [zhen4zuo4], [zhen4xing1]↓; 一蹶不振 fall, never to rise again. (2) To relieve (famine, etc.): 振濟,振救 [zhen4ji4], [zhen4jiu4]↓. (3) To raise, to take up: 振翎,振翅 flap (bird's) wings to rise; 振衣 to lift up and put on garment, 振臂,振筆 [zhen4bei4], [zhen4bi3]↓; 振兵 to strengthen army for action; 振旅 to call army to order after battle, esp. after victory to return. (4) To shake: 威振天下 s.o's power shakes the world.
| Prep. | From: 振古以來 since the ancient times.
| Words | 1. 振臂 [zhen4bei4], v.i., raise arm in call for action: 振臂一呼. 2. 振筆 [zhen4bi3], v.i., take up pen: 振筆直書 take up pen and write rapidly. 3. 振起 [zhen4qi3], v.t., to restore spirit: 振起精神 put forth fresh energy. 4. 振動 [zhen4dong4], v.i. & n., (1) vibrate, -tion; (2) to cause to shake. 5. 振奮 [zhen4fen4], v.i., to bestir oneself: 振奮精神 put forth new energy. 6. 振幅 [zhen4fu2], n., (phys.) amplitude of vibration. 7. 振振 *[zhen1zhen1], adj., (AC) kind, generous; impressive-looking; 振振有詞 with eloquence (argumentatively). 8. 振濟 [zhen4ji4], v.t., to relieve (famine, flood victims; also wr. 賑). 9. 振救 [zhen4jiu4], v.t., to relieve, help (those in distress); to rescue from predicament. 10. 振興 [zhen4xing1], v.t., to develop (industries, etc.). 11. 振作 [zhen4zuo4], v.i., to determine to make good, feel heartened.