释义 |
拉拉 | 68A50 10A.30-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄌㄚ [la1] (*ㄌㄚˊ [la2] , *ㄌㄚˇ [la3] ). | V.i. & t. | (1) To pull, drag, draw: 拉扯 [la1che3]↓; 拉拉扯扯 pull and drag this way and that; 拉過來 pull (s.t.) over here; 拉出去 drag (s.t. or s.o.) out; 拉長方臉兒 pull a long face; 拉的下臉來 can pull a long face; 拉不下臉來 embarrassed; 拉開 [la1kai1]↓; 拉下窗簾 pull down the blinds; 拉縴 [la1qian4], 拉倒 [la1dao3], 拉運 [la1yU4], 拉曳 [la1yi4]↓; 拖拉 drag on or out; 拉鈴 pull the bell rope; 拉緊 (些) draw (s.t.)tight (er); 拉近 [la1jin4]↓; 拉長 pull or make (s.t.) longer, (fig.) cause (conversation, speech, or a piece of writing) to be tediously long; 拉幕 draw the curtain; 拉線 pull the wires; 拉線人 a wire-puller; 拉攏 [la1long0]↓; 拉關係 try to draw close to (s.o.), (lit.) “draw relations with s.o.”; 拉馬 [la1ma3]↓; 拉家帶口 bear family burdens; 拉鋸 [la1jU4]↓; 拉提琴 play the Chin. fiddle; 拉胡琴 play a violin; 拉風箏 fly kite; 拉網 draw a net in; 拉車 pull cart; 拉板車 pull a handcart; 拉洋車 pull a rickshaw; 拉車的 a rickshaw puller; 拉硬弓 force (s.o.) to do (s.t.) against his will; 拉大片 (兒), 拉洋片 run a peep show. (2) To hold: 手拉手 hold one another's hand; 拉手 [la1shou3]↓; 一把拉住不放 hold and won't let go; 拉他一把 give him a helping hand. (3) To solicit: 拉買賣,拉生意,拉主道 solicit business; 拉客 solicit customers, said esp. of streetwalkers; 拉票 solicit votes; 拉股 solicit shareholders. (4) To recruit, impress, look for: 拉角 recruit actors for play; 拉人 recruit men for service; 拉伕,拉夫 [la1fu1]↓; 拉替身兒 look for (s.o.) to be the scapegoat for oneself. (5) To cut, amputate, eliminate, move bowels: 拉掉 (surg.) amputate (any diseased part of the body); 摧枯拉朽(AC) (of obstacles easily overcome) like tearing down dried-up trees or buildings in decay; 拉屎 [la1shi3], 拉尿[la1niao4]2, 拉稀 [la1xi1]↓; 拉了一褲子 wet one's underwear; 拉肚子 have loose bowels; 拉不出來 have difficulty in moving one's bowels; 還沒拉完 have not yet finished moving one's bowels; 拉了兩天 have had loose bowels for two days in succession. (6) To borrow or owe money: 拉賬 [la1zhang4], 拉空 [la1kong4]↓; 拉一屁股債 owe a mountain of debts; 拉饑荒 [la1ji1huang1]↓; 東拉西扯 owe debts all around, see [la1che3]↓. (7) To leave behind, leave undone: 拉在後面 (of runners or cars) leave (s.o.) behind; 拉後勾兒 let (s.t.) remain unfinished with a view to its possible continuation later on; 拉長線 (兒) leave (s.t.) for future decision. (8) To talk or gossip: 拉不斷,扯不斷 talk on and on without end; 拉短兒 talk behind s.o.’s back; 拉舌頭,拉老婆舌頭 (or 舌液) to gossip. (9) (*[la2]) (Var. 剌) cut into two ,slash (*[la2]).
| Words | 1. 拉巴 [la1ba0]1, v.t., pull and drag (=拉扯). 2. 拉拔 [la1ba0]2, v.t., promote a person's career, help advance (person). 3. 拉絆 [la1ban0], v.t., hamper, obstruct. 4. 拉叉 [la1cha1] (sp. pr. [la1cha4]), v.i., (of limbs, branches) extend in all directions. 5. 拉場 [la1chang3], n., (of supporting actors in Chin. opera) intentional prolongation of time on stage to wait for the appearance of the leading actor or actress; 拉場子 acrobatic and other shows in market place. 6. 拉岔 [la1cha4], n., a kind of card game played for money. 7. 拉長 [la1chang2], v.i.& t., to prolong (business, voice). 8. 拉扯 [la1che3], v.t., (1) pull and drag; (2) ([la1che0]) involve other persons by loose talk; give a helping hand to; help and support (s.o.); (3) ([la1che3er0]) to even up, stretch even. 9. 拉縴 [la1qian4], v.t., (1) (of boat going upstream) pull the towrope; (2) (fig.) act as a go-between (also--兒). 10. 拉抽屜(兒) [la1chou1ti0] ([la1chou1tie0er0]), v.i., pull out desk drawer; (fig.) go back on one's word; make seesaw action. 11. 拉持 [la1chi0], v.t., (dial.) bring (s.o.) up. 12. 拉倒 [la1dao3], v.t., (1) pull down; (2) (coll.) forget about it: 這件事我看還是拉倒罷! 13. 拉答 [la1da2], adj., untidy, slovenly (of composition, furniture, etc.). 14. 拉丁 [la1ding1], n. & adj., (translit.) Latin (also wr. 臘丁). 15. 拉夫 [la1fu1], v.t., press men for military or coolie service. 16. 拉忽 *[la3hu0], adj., (1) careless, negligent; (2) stupid, foolish, muddle-headed. 17. 拉火 [la1huo3], n., fuse used for ancient-type cannon. 18. 拉賬 [la1zhang4], v.t., buy things on credit. 19. 拉饑荒 [la1ji1huang1], v.t., (coll.) run short or money. 20. 拉角 [la1jiao3], v.t., recruit supporters or players. 21. 拉架 [la1jia4], v.t., mediate between two persons quarrelling or fighting. 22. 拉近 [la1jin4], v.t., draw nearer. 23. 拉鋸 [la1jU4], v.t., (1) cut with a saw; (2) make seesaw movements: 拉鋸戰 (fight) a seesaw battle. 24. 拉開 [la1kai1], v.t., (1) pull or draw (s.t.) open or apart; (2) (fighters) draw apart. 25. 拉跨 [la1kua4], v.i., limp, walk lamely or unevenly. 26. 拉空 [la1kong4], v.i., run into debt. 27. 拉了 [la1le0], (1) v.t., take off (boots, necktie); (2) v.i., acknowledge defeat. 28. 拉鍊 [la1lian4], n., zipper. 29. 拉攏 [la1long0], v.t., draw (s.o.) over to one's side, draw persons with different views together. 30. 拉馬 [la1ma3], v.i., act as a pimp (also 拉皮條 ). 31. 拉溺 [la1niao4]1, v.i., to pass water. 32. 拉尿 [la1niao4]2, v.i., ditto. 33. 拉弄 [la1nong0], v.t. & n., (1) pull apart: 這本書被你拉弄散了 you hav pulled the book apart; (2) wear and tear: 這件衣裳不禁拉弄 this dress cannot stand wear and tear. 34. 拉皮條 [la1pi2tiao0], v.i., act as a pimp (also 拉皮條縴 [la1pi2tiao0qian4]). 35. 拉皮子 [la1pi2zi0], v.i., be thickskinned or unashamed. 36. 拉薩 [la1sa1], n. Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. 37. 拉颯 [la1sa4], n., & adj., (MC & Soochow dial.) dirt, -ty, garbage (var. of 垃圾, [le4se4]). 38. 拉稀 [la1xi1], v.i., (1) have loose bowels; (2) (coll.) acknowledge defeat. 39. 拉手(兒) [la1shou3]([er0]), v.t., (1) hold hands; (2) shake hands; (3) join hands: 人家倆人一拉手,就把你給毀了 when they two work together, you are done for. 40. 拉屎 [la1shi3], v.t. move bowels. 41. 拉鎖子 [la1suo3zi0], n.(in embroidery) setting contour of flower patterns. 42. 拉絲 [la1si1], adj., (1) (of action) hesitating: 人家決不拉絲,說走就走they never hesitate and, if they agree to go, will go right away; (2) (of speech) longwinded: 說的 捷脆快,並不拉絲 what (he) said was perfectly clear-cut and not long-winded. 43. 拉遢 [la2ta0], adj. dirty, untidy. 44. 拉雜 [la1za2], adj. & adv. untidy, confused, (of room, etc.): 拉雜書來 write at random. 45. 拉晚兒 [la1wa3er0], v.i., (of persons) be a night owl; (2) (of ricksaw puller) work at night. 46. 拉曳 [la1yi4], v.t. drag along, trail (skirts). 47. 拉運 [la1yUn4], v.t. transport by handcarts.