释义 |
押押 | 63A35 10A.22-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄧㄚ [ya1] (*ㄧㄚˊ [ya2] ). | V.t. | (1) To pawn, mortgage: 抵押 v.t. & n., (put up) security for loan; 典押 v.t. & n., mortgage. (2) To detain by police, to guard or watch from behind:扣押,押起來 to detain person; 看押 keep under detention; 押解,押送 [ya1jie4], [ya1song4]↓; 押到警察局escort (suspect) to the police station; 押車 to accompany and guard goods in cart; 押尾 [ya1wei3]↓. (3) To affix signature:簽押 attach signature to contract; 畫押 make a sign in lieu of signature for the illiterate; 花押 affix private mark (some kind of monogram) at the end. (4) U.f. 壓 51A.11, (a) press down, repress; (b) to shelve (a paper) for later attention.
| Words | 1. 押標金 [ya1biao1jin1], n., bond for a bid. 2. 押契 [ya1qi4], n., a mortgage deed. 3. 押床 [ya1chuang2], n., formerly, a torture bed, to which prisoner was fastened, (cf. Procrustean bed). 4. 押當 [ya1dang4], v.i. & t., to pawn (s.t.). 5. 押抵 [ya1di3], v.t., to mortgage, use as security for loan (also 抵押). 6. 押發 [ya1fa1], v.t., to send away (prisoner) under guard, see [ya1song4]↓. 7. 押縫 *[ya2feng4], v.t., formerly, to sign on last and/or first page of old manuscript as testimonial. 8. 押封 [ya1feng1], v.t., to seal and attach (property). 9. 押號 [ya1hao4], n., a private mark as signature. 10. 押後 [ya1hou4], v.i., to defer; to remand (in law). 11. 押匯 [ya1hui4], n., a bill of exchange. 12. 押賬 [ya1zhang4], v.i. & n., (use as) security for loan. 13. 押解 [ya1jie4], v.t., to send away (prisoner, goods) under guard. 14. 押金 [ya1jin1], n., deposit, security money. 15. 押質 [ya1zhi4], v.t. & n., to pawn, mortgage. 16. 押款 [ya1kuan3], v.i. & t., to borrow money with security. 17. 押歲 [ya1sui4], n., a New Year gift esp. for children (usu.wr. 壓歲) 18. 押送 [ya1song4], v.t., to send away under guard. 19. 押頭 (兒) [ya1tou0]([er0]), n., (1) security, collateral; (2) (MC) officer in charge of prisoner being transported. 20. 押租 [ya1zu1], n., deposit for rent. 21. 押字 *[ya2zi4], n., signature. 22. 押尾 *[ya2wei3], n., (1) see [ya2feng4]↑; n., (2) v.i., to bring up the rear. 23. 押運 [ya1yUn4]1, v.t., to transport goods under guard. 24. 押韻 [ya1yUn4]2, v.i., to rhyme (verse).