释义 |
抬抬 | 55B25 10A.11-1 | ㄊㄞˊ [tai2] . [Pop. 抬] | V.t. | To lift up, raise (table, etc.): 抬著頭 lift up one's head, see 抬頭 [tai2tou2]↓; 抬價 raise price; 抬出去 carry it out; 抬起來 lift up; 抬不動 cannot lift up; 抬身 straighten up from bending position; 抬手抬腳 gesticulate; 高抬貴手 phr., used in asking for pardon, more tips, or higher pay; 抬扛,扛抬 carry s.t. heavy with hands on shoulders or the back; 抬轎子 carry a sedan chair, (gambling) gang up on a player; 抬高身價 put higher value on oneself.
| Words | 1. 抬槓 [tai2gang4], v.i., to wrangle, quarrel, argue for argument's sake. 2. 抬肩 [tai2jian1], n., a tailor's term, width from armpit to middle of back. 3. 抬舉 [tai2jU0], v.t., encourage by words or deeds, to help by promoting: 不識抬舉 not worth, do not appreciate, such help. 4. 抬頭 [tai2tou2], v.i., (1) raise one’s head: 抬頭一看 raise one's head and look; 永遠不能抬頭 doomed to an inferior status; 抬頭紋 lines on forehead; (2) rule in documents to begin new line above margin on mentioning superior’s or king's name; (3) become firmer (in stock prices).
抬 | 74C40 10A.40-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄊㄞˊ [tai2] [Pop. of 抬 10A.11] |