

ㄨˇ [wu3
Adj.The number five: 尺之童 (AC) a young boy of five anc. feet;
體投地 complete prostration;
斗米 (allu.) five bushels of rice--petty salary;
世 for five generations;
also see many compp.↓;
角大廈 Pentagon;
旬節 Pentacost;
日京兆 (allu.) governor of capital frequently changed--said of constant shift of office;
里霧中 lost in impenetrable fog or mystery;
used in sense of multifarious: 方雜處 (city where) peoples from all regions congregrate;
零四散 all dispersed;
花繃裂 crackled;
光十色 all kinds (of people, things);
花八門 all kinds of skill;
胡 five tribes of Mongol (匈奴,鮮卑,氐,羌,羯), northern barbarians, 湖四海 all the seas and lakes everywhere;
行 ([wu3hang2]) 八作, various small tradesmen;
月 May;
四運動 May Fourth Movement (1919) .
Words1. [wu3ba4], n., the five successive leaders of alliances of states in 春秋 period: 齊桓公,宋襄公,晉文公,秦穆公,楚莊王.
2. 倍子 [wu3bei4zi3], n., galls or knobs formed on leaves by insects or bacteria, rich in tannic acid and used in medicine.
3. 釵松 [wu3chai1song1], n., (bot.) a variety of pine, Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla.
4. [wu3chang2], n., (1) the five cardinal human relationships, see [wu3lun2]↓; (2) the five basic virtues: 仁 kindness, 義 justice, 禮 good manners, 智 wisdom and 信 honesty.
5. [wu3qi1], n., (1) the 35th day after death of person (of fifth multiple of seven) when mass is said; (2) five to seven, like saying “five or six.”
6. 權憲法 [wu3qUan2xian4fa3], n., the five branches of government in mod n. Chin. constitution: legislative, executive, judicial, censorate and civil service.
7. [wu3dai4], n., the “Five Dynasties” (907-960 A.D.): 後梁,後唐,後晉,後漢 and 後周 see Appendix D.
8. [wu3di4], n., the five legendary emperors in prehistoric China 太昊,炎帝,黃帝,少昊,顓頊 see Appendix D.
9. [wu3duan3], n. & adj., person short in head, arms and legs.
10. [wu3du2], n., the five poisonous animals in Chin. med.: the snake, the lizard, the scorpion, the toad and the centipede, used to “fight poison with poison.”
11. [wu3fang1], n., all directions: 方人士 people from all regions.
12. [wu3fen1], adj., fifty percent: 分明兒 early dawn.
13. [wu3fu2]1, n., the five degrees of mourning: (a) 斬衰 with cut and unhemmed hempen cloth, worn for parents and husbands for 27 months; (b) 齊衰 with cut and hemmed hempen cloth, worn for grandparents, etc. for one year; n., (c) 大功 for brothers, sisters, etc., worn for 9 months; n., (d) 小功 for uncles, aunts, etc., for 5 months; n., (e) 緦麻 for distant relatives for 3 months.
14. [wu3fu2]2, n., the five blessings, according to AC explanation: long life, wealth, good health, good relations with others, and natural death (壽,富,康寧,攸好德,考終命).
15. [wu3geng1] (sp. pr. [wu3jing1]), n., (1) the fifth watch of the night, near dawn; (2) 三老更 (AC) venerable elders of the country, treated with special honors (更 explained as experience in various affairs).
16. [wu3guan1], n., the five sense organs: the ear, the eye, the mouth, the nose and the heart.
17. [wu2gu3]1, n., the fifth watch, see [wu3geng1]↑.
18. [wu2gu3]2, n., the different grains of harvest.
19. 虎棍 [wu2hu3gun4], n., an acrobatic fight with clubs, played by five or six persons.
20. [wu3jia1], n., a spicy plant, Acanthopanax spinosum; 加皮 liquor soaked in bark of this plant.
21. [wu3jin1], n., the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, pewter; 金行 dealers in metals in gen.
22. [wu3jing1], n., the Five Classics: 詩,書,易,禮,春秋 the Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Changes, Book of Li (social forms and ceremonies) and the Annals.
23. [wu3kui2], n., first five top candidates in second degree examinations, also interpreted as No.2-6, excluding No.1.
24. [wu3lao2], n., (Chin. med.) the ailments of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.
25. 斂子 [wu3lian4zi3], n., (bot.) Averrhoa carambola, a tropical tree; its fruit made into jelly.
26. 靈脂 [wu3ling2zhi1], n., a Chin. med. made from droppings of certain insects.
27. [wu3lun2], n., (Confu.) the five cardinal relationships: between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, between brothers and between friends.
28. [wu3lU4], n., a prescribed verse form of eight lines of five characters each.
29. [wu3nei4], n., the viscerals: 內俱焚 feelings extremely upset with sorrow, etc.
30. [wu3se4] (sp. pr. [wu3shai3]), the five colors: blue, yellow, red, white and black.
31. [wu3sheng1], n., the five notes of the pentatonic scale: 宮,商,角,徵 (pr. [zhi1]) 羽 do, re, mi, sol, la.
32. 線譜 [wu3xian4pu3], n., the musical score (with five lines).
33. 項運動 [wu3xiang4yUn4dong4], n., pentathlon.
34. [wu3xiang1], n., a mixture of various spices.
35. [wu3xing1], n., the five planets: 金,木,水,火,土 Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn.
36. [wu3xing2]1, n., the five anc. punishments: tattoo, cutting off nose, feet, castration and death, 墨,劓,剕,宮,大辟.
37. [wu3xing2]2, n., the Five Elements, representing five states of forces of expansion or condensation (the plus energy, or [yang2], expansion; the minus energy, or [yin1], condensation); 木 wood (Lesser Yarng) +; 火 fire (Greater Yarng) ++; 土 earth (Equilibrium) +- or 0; 金 metal (Lesser Yin) -; 水 water (Greater Yin) --.
38. 鬚松 [wu3xU1song1], n., see [wu3chai1song1]↑.
39. [wu2cai3], adj., multicolored.
40. [wu3zang4], n., the five internal organs: the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.
41. [wu3zu2], n., the Five Races: 漢,滿,蒙,回,藏 Chinese, Manchus, Mongolians, Mohammedans and Tibetans.
42. [wu3wei4], n., the five flavors: 甜,酸,苦,辣,鹹 sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty.
43. 味子 [wu3wei4zi3], n., (bot.) of two kinds: 北味子 Schizandra chinensis, and 南味子 Kadsura japonica.
44. 言詩 [wu3yan2shi1], n., poem of five-character lines.
45. [wu3yin1], n., see [wu3sheng1]↑.
46. [wu3yUe4], n., the five sacred mountains: 泰山 Taihshan in Shantung, 衡山 Herngshan in Hunan, 華山 Huarshan in Shensi, 恆山 Hernshan in Hopei, 嵩山 Sungshan in Honan.
47. 月節 [wu3yUe4jie2], n., the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, called the festival of 端陽 [duan1yang2] or 端午 [duanwu3].





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