释义 |
披披 | 99B50 10A.82-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄆㄧ [pi1] (also ㄆㄟ [pei1] in certain vern. phrr.). | Vb. | (1) To open, lay open: 披心,披肝露膽,披瀝肝膽 lay open my heart (to urge, give honest advice or show loyalty); 披露 publish, cause to be published (article); 披襟 (fig. or lit.) bare breast. (2) To spread out, flutter, disperse: 披髮,披頭散髮 ([pi1] or [pei1]) wear hair disshevelled; 披沙揀金 sift sand for gold, sift carefully. (3) To put on, wear: 披衣而起 throw on gown and rise; 披甲 put on armor; 披麻帶孝 in deep mourning; 披枷帶鎖 in cangue and shackles; 披星戴月 journey or work under stars and moon in the night. (4) To open and read: 披覽,披誦 scan or read book, roll, letter.
| Words | 1. 披風 [pi1feng1], n., ancient lady's cloak. 2. 披拂 [pi1fu2] ([pei1fu2]), adj., moving in the wind. 3. 披掛 [pi1gua4] ([pei1gua4]), adj., in military attire. 4. 披紅 [pi1hong2] ([pei1hong2]), adj., covered with red sashes on festive occasions. 5. 披肩 [pi1jian1], n., woman's shoulder-piece; stole. 6. 披離 [pi1li2], adj., (LL) luxurious (growth of foliage). 7. 披披 [pi1pi1], adj., (LL) trailing, blowing about (of girdles, willows). 8. 披片兒 [pi1piaher0], v.i., be a beggar. 9. 披頭 [pi1tou2], n., Beatles: 披頭士,披頭四. 10. 披緇 [pi1zi1], v.i., (LL) wear black, i.e., become monk.