释义 |
抓抓 | 105C15 10A.83-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄓㄨㄚ [zhua1] (sp. pr. ㄓㄠ [zhao1] ). | V.t. | (1) To scratch: 抓癢 scratch an itch; 抓撓 [zhua1nao1]↓; 抓破臉兒 (coll.) openly break relations (lit., “scratch face till it bleeds” or “come to blows”); 抓耳撓腮 twisting ears and beards in pondering. (2) To clutch, grab, to get or get at indiscriminately: 抓住 to clutch fast; 抓取 to grab at; 抓一劑藥 to buy a lot of prescribed herbs; 抓錢 to grab money, in a hurry to get rich; 抓不起來 too soft to be lifted; 抓大頭 a game of picking lines leading to covered numbers (for pooling money), in which the 大頭 pays more than the others; 抓尖兒賣快 show avid attentions to s.o. to curry favor; 抓工夫 (coll.) steal time for idling. (3) To catch, arrest (thief).
| Words | 1. 抓碴兒 [zhua1cha2er0], v.i., make use as pretext. 2. 抓哏 [zhua1gen2], v.i., (in Chin. drama) make ad lib jokes. 3. 抓會 [zhua1hui4], n., a club in which subscribers pay a certain amount monthly, the sum going to the person who shakes out the best dice. 4. 抓鬮兒 [zhua1jiu1er0], v.i., draw lots. 5. 抓周兒 [zhua1zhou1er0], v.i., on child's first anniversary, different objects (abacus, writing brush, etc.) are placed before baby to see which article it tries to grab, indicating future inclination. 6. 抓局 [zhua1jU2], v.i., to make a raid on gambling den. 7. 抓撓 [zhua1nao0], v.t., (1) to scratch (itch); (2) to scramble, clutch and grab: 別抓撓東西 don't scramble a set of things; (3) to struggle, clamber: 他們兩人抓撓起來了 the two begin to clutch at each other; (4) to hustle, make hastily: 幫他們抓撓飯 help them hurry up the meal; 抓抓撓撓 adv., hurriedly: 抓抓撓撓把飯吃了 finished the meal hurriedly; (5) 抓撓兒 n., a children's game of bending and unbending fingers. 8. 抓瞎 [zhua1xia1], v.i., act in a flurried or confused manner. 9. 抓彩 [zhua1cai3], v.i. & n., to raffle; a raffle. 10. 抓早兒 [zhua1zao3er0], adv., get up early (to start journey, etc.).