释义 |
扶扶 | 95A20 10A.81-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄈㄨˊ [fu2] | V.i. & t. | (1) To hold up, support: 扶(他)起來 help him up; 扶著,扶住 leaning on (cane, etc.); 扶床而立 stand leaning on bed; 扶杖 lean on a stick; 扶老攜幼 supporting the old and carrying the young, come in a throng; 扶疾,扶病而行 go burdened with sickness, despite sickness. (2) To carry from under: 扶靈,扶柩,扶櫬 act as pallbearer; 扶乩,扶鸞 [fu2ji1], [fu2luan2]↓. (3) To help, lend support to: 扶危 help those in distress, bolster up tottering structure; 扶植 nurse and strengthen (a plant), (fig.) help to stand up, bring (young) to maturity.
| Words | 1. 扶持 [fu2chi2], v.t., support (a cause, the church), give support to. 2. 扶正 [fu2zheng4], v.t., recognize as wife proper (e.g., concubine after wife's death). 3. 扶乩 [fu2ji1], v.i. & n., planchette. 4. 扶助 [fu2zhu4], v.t., to help (s.o.), succor. 5. 扶老 [fu2lao3], (1) n., old man's walking stick; (2) v.i., to support the old. 6. 扶鸞 [fu2luan2], n., see [fu2ji1]↑. 7. 扶桑 [fu2sang1], n., mythic island, usu. interpreted as Japan. 8. 扶手(板) [fu2shou3] ([ban3]), n., armrest; 9. 扶手椅 [fu2shou3yi3], n., armchair. 10. 扶疏 [fu2shu1], adj., (of foliage) luxuriant (枝葉扶疏). 11. 扶侍 [fu2shi4], v.t., serve, attend to, also wr. 服侍. 12. 扶梯 [fu2ti1], n., staircase, ladder, esp. hand ladder. 13. 扶養 [fu2yang3], v.i. & t., bring up (child) to maturity. 14. 扶搖 [fu2yao2], (1) n. (AC) a typhoon; [fu2yao2], (2) v.i., climb swaying upwards: 扶搖直上 be promoted quickly in offical career. 15. 扶掖 [fu2ye4], v.t., support, help (young people).